Eamonn McLaughlin

1921-1999; b. Limavady, Co. Derry; grew up in Portrush; m. Barbara Louise; long-time member of Connolly Association; moved to Hampshire in the 1990s; joined Portsmouth Univ. Creative Writing Programme; poems published posthumously by his widow.


Poems by Eamonn McLaughlin (Bouddicca Press [2002], 28pp. [distrib. Four Provinces, 25 Grays Inn Rd., London WC1 8JR].


Reviews in Ulster newspapers incl. Erin Doherty, Derry Journal (15 Feb. 2002).


Undertaking”: ‘With drawn swords we landed from the sea / The few who faced us slaughtered on the shore, / Above their broken bodies raised our flag / And claimed the land as ours for evermore. / first obstacle efficiently surmounted, / The next occasioned rahter sterner ways; / Confronted by some raiders in the woods / We were obliged to set the place ablaze. ... / The race was nearly won, hurdles overcome / By skilful arms, now came time for words / Before our wicked rivals from the east / Could send their cruel pundering hordes. / ... / Crowds came on foot therefore we made them honoured citizens, / Built roads, assemblies, courts and schools / Where they could learn to speak our cultured tongue / And understand our much admired disciplines and rules / ... / But long the last great obstacle persists; / We cannot reach our final goal. / we fail before the fearsome citadel / Of the savage unforgiving soul.’ (Poems, [2002], p.9.)

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