Gertrude Campbell [Lady Colin
Life 1861-1911 [Gertrude Elizabeth, Née Blood; early pseud G. E. Brunefill]; b. Clare; ed. in Italy and France; at fifteen wrote Topo (1876), a childrens story ill. by Kate Greenaway; m. Lord Colin Campbell, younger son of Duke of Argyll, 1881; legally separated on plea of cruelty; appt. art critic for World; wrote Darell Blake (1889), a society novel based on her marital experience; also issued The Book of the Running Brook (1886), on fresh-water fishing. JMC DIW SUTH OCIL
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References John Sutherland, The Longman Companion to Victorian Fiction (Longmans 1988; rep. 1989), calls with her sole novel Darell Blake: A Study (1889) a society novel, drawing on publicity of her court case; considerable naive power; Darell, London ed. and radical MP, married to long-suffering Victoria, is led astray by Lady Alma Vereker, at Homberg; wife dies in childbirth, and hero survives a wreck.
Justin McCarthy, ed., Irish Literature (Washington: Catholic Univ. of America 1904), selects A Modern Aegeria from Darell Blake. See also Irish Book Lover, 3.
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