Seon Carsuel
Life ?1525-1572; b. nr. Oban, Argyle, in Scotland; ed. St. Andrews University; DD, ?1550; Carsuel became a superintendent of the Argyle region after Calvinist reformation of Scotland under Knox; trans. The Book of Common Order (1562 edn.) as Foirm na nUrrnuidheadh (Edinburgh 1567), the first printed book in Irish; his skeleton found to be seven feet long at the time of its nineteenth-century exhumation; there is a modern edition by R. L. Thomson (1970).
Michael Cronin, Translating Ireland: Tranlsations, Languages, Cultures (Cork UP 1996), pp.52-53, quoting: dá bfadhadh saoi ré
h-ealadhain lcoht sgríobhta nó deachtaidh sa leabhair bheag-sa, gabhadh sé mo leithsgél-sa, óir ní dhearrna mé saothar ná gfoghluim sa nGaoidheilg acht amháin mar ghc duine don phobal choitcheand. [If any learned expert should find fault with my expression or writing let him forgive me but my knowledge of Irish is that of the common person] [Cronins trans.]. (Cited in Nicholas Williams, I bPrionta I Leabhar, Baile Atha Cliath, 1986, p.22; here p.53.)
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