[Rev] James Casey
1824-1909; Author of poems on ethical and political subjects, e.g., An Essay on Education, Catholic and Mixed (Dublin 1868), Home Rule Rhymes ... (Dublin 1877), Tyndall and Materialism - Gladstone and the Vatican Decrees (1875), Temperance Poems (Dublin 1888). Casey was the most popular of the temperance poets .. PI
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Notes Paddy Blakes Sojourn Among the Soupers, A Poem by the author of Verses on Doctrinal and Devotional Subjects (Dublin: Duffy & Sons [1883]), [bound pamphl., pref. dated Nov. 1883, ... the writer has no desire of reviving or propagating the bitter polemical spirit of 50 years ago; but when persistent efforts are being made to seduce from the faith of their fathers ... [describes use of food and clothing as bribes in rural Ireland] ...such modes of conversion are condemned by many upright and conscientious Protestants ...&c.]. The poem takes the form of a comic confession by Paddy, written in jaunty 10 line stanzas of rhyming tetrameter. [copy held in library of Robert Welch.]
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