[Mrs] Agnes Egerton Castle
Life 1860-1922 [née Sweetman; sis. of M. E. Francis]; The Bath of Comedy (Macmillan 1901); French Nan (Smith, Elder 1905); If Youth But Knew (Smith Elder 1906); Flower o the Orange and Other Stories (Methuen 1908); The Star Dreamer (Constable 1903).
References Irish Literature, Justin McCarthy, ed. (Washington: University of America 1904); Mrs Agnes Egerton Castle, a sister of M. E. Francis, and of Elinor Sweetman, m. Anthony Egerton Castle, 1883, and collaborated with him on the Pride of [?]Jenrico (1897), selling 100,000 in England and US; The Bath Comedy (1898), dramatised version secured by David Belasco; The House of Romance (1900), stories; The Secret Orchard (1901), dramatised by Mr & Mrs Kendal; independent work, My Little Lady Anne; several plays for children, and magazine stories in Temple Bar, Cornhill Magazine, and Macmillans. JMC shows photo port. looking pretty and leisured in cane chair on lawn; selects An Affair of Honor from Temple Bar [Gad, you are a bloodthirsty fellow!; Zounds, man, would you have him sit down in his dishonor?]
Eggeling (Cat. No. 44) lists 5 ov the above titles.
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