Robert Barton Childers

1929-1996; son of Erskine Hamilton Childers; ed. Newpark School (Waterford) and TCD (modern langs. & history); proceeded to Stanford Univ. (politics & international relations); lecturer and broadcaster on international affairs; worked for United Nations, in 1967-89; engaged in UN Development Programme in Asia; afterwards consultant to the United Nations and other organisations; issued works on United Nations leadership role and Western-Arab relations, particularly in relation to Israel-Palestine settlement; critic of United Nations role in Gulf War, 1990-91; appt. secretary-general of World Federation of United Nations Associations, March 1996; married and divorced; afterwards m. to Mallica Vajrathon, with whom a son Erskine; d. 25 Aug. 1996, of heart-attack immediately after delivering successful address to 5th WFUNA congress in Luxembourg. DIB.

  • Common Sense About the Arab World [(London: Victor Gollancz 1960), 192pp.
  • The Road to Suez: A Study of Western-Arab Relations (London: MacGibbon & Kee 1962), 416pp.
  • The Other Exodus [article and correspondence from the Spectator] (Cairo: Information Department 1961), 27pp.
  • Arab nationalism (Cairo: Information Dept. 1964), 15pp.
  • A Nation in Search of Its Society (Cairo: Information Dept. 1964), 15pp.
  • Palestine: The Broken Triangle (Columbia UP 1965), [13]pp. [rep. from Journal of international Affairs, Vol. 19, No. 1, distrib. by League of Arab States].
  • [rep. from Journal of international Affairs, Vol. 19, No. 1, distrib. by League of Arab States]
  • with Brian Urquhart, Towards a More Effective United Nations: Two Studies (Uppsala: Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation [1992]), 96pp.,
  • In a Time Beyond Warnings: Strengthening the United Nations System [Pax Christi] (Catholic Institute for International Relations 1993), 28pp.;
  • ed., Challenges to the United Nations: Building a Safer World (London: CIIR 1994), 216pp.
  • A World in Need of Leadership: Tomorrow’s United Nations - A Fresh Appraisal [Rev. 2nd Edn.] Uppsala: Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation 1996), 103pp.

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