Basil Chubb
Life English-born Professor of Political Science, TCD; flew for RAF in World War II and returned from German prisoner of war camp; issued The Government and Politics of Ireland (OUP 1971), pp.364; The Constitution of Ireland (Dublin: IAP 1966; Institute of Public Adminstration [3rd Edn.] 1970).
Quotations British influence is strikingly clear and all-pervasive; Geography and history combine to make the British influence the most important in determining the pattern of Irish political thought and practice
the substitution of the English language for Irish was especialy important in this respect.; [I]f the ability to scan all ones neighbours and not to be oriented on one alone is a sign of a truly independent people, and if the recognition and pursuit of international interests is the mark of a truly independent state, there are some grounds for speculating whether, for all our sovreignty, Ireland should be thought of as in practice no more than a detached province of the United Kingdom. Government and Politics, cited in Seán de Fréine, The Great Silence, Mercier 1978.)
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