Earl of Clarendon [Edward
Life [1st Earl of Clarendon], 1609-1674; Royalist historian; accompanied Cottington to obtain help from Spain and negotiate alliance between Ormonde and ONeill for recovery of Ireland, 1649-1650; a consistent upholder of constitutional monarchy, he refused to recognise the altered conditions of the civil war; his Historical Narrative of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (1702-04); is a composite work, containing writings of different periods and circumstances, and biographies of Godolphn, Laud, and Strafford; Clarendon also wrote a history of the Irish rebellion, of lesser interest, published 1721; bibl., see selections from Clarendon, ed. H. Trevor-Roper (1955). ODNB
Works The History of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641, 3 vols. (Oxford: at the Theater 1707, 1703, 1704) [Copy in Marshs Library holds manuscript annotations by Jonathan Swift.]
See also History of Rebellion, ed. ed. by Bulkeley Bandinel, 8 vol. (Clarendon Press 1826); The true text was ed. by W. D. Macray in 6 vols. (1888).
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Criticism The Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, 3 vols. [1st edn.] (Dublin 1760 [1759]) [Bradshaw 1541]
References Dictionary of National Biography, 1st Earl of Clarendon, 1609-1674; the great Royalist historian, he accompanied Cottington to obtain help from Spain and negotiate alliance between Ormonde and ONeill for recovery of Ireland, 1649-1650; a consistent upholder of constitutional monarchy, he refused to recognise the altered conditions of the civil war.
Hyland Books (Cat. 219]. lists Historical Narrative of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 8 vol. [Clarendon Press edn.] (Leeds: Slocomb & Simm 1826), ed. by Bulkeley Bandinel, Bodleian Librarian, the first corr. and comp.; incl. suppressed passages and Bishop Warburtons notes.
Cathach Books (1996-97) lists The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Ireland, with the True State and Conditions of that Kingdom before the Year 1640; and the Most Material Passages ... &c. (London: Wilford 1720), 382pp., fp. port.
Belfast Central holds The History of The Rebellion and Civil wars in Ireland (1721); State letter and his Lordships Diary for 1687-1690, 2 vols. (1765).
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