Edward OMeagher Condon
Life 1835-1915; b. Cork, Fenian organiser, ex. US Civil War; involved in Manchester prison van attack; reprieved on account of American citizenship and served 10 yrs.; wrote The Irish Race in America (NY 1887); a constitutionalist in old age. Died New York. DIW DIH FDA
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References Seamus Deane, gen. ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing (Derry: Field Day 1991), Vol. 2; notes that one of the [Manchester Martyrs] accused who was acquitted, [E. OM. Condon], said at the close of his speech
from the dock, I have nothing to regret, or to retract, or take back. I can only say, God Save Ireland; his co-defendants took up the phrase and repeated it [cf. T. D. Sullivan, who set it to the music of Tramp, Tramp, Tramp] (p.106.)
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