A Bibliography of the Journal Writings of James Connolly

Bibliographical details: Available at Marxist.org - online; ed. Einde O’Callaghan, James Joyce Internet Archive [online]; accessed 04.03.2020.

1894 Party Politicians - Noble, Ignoble and Local (Labour Chronicle, 1 December)
1896 Irish Socialist Republican Party
1897 Socialism and Nationalism (Shan Van Vocht, January)
‘Patriotism and Labour (Shan Van Vocht, August)
‘Socialism and Irish Nationalism (L’Irlande Libre, Paris)
‘Erin’s Hope - The End & The Means (pamphlet)
‘Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee
1898 The Fighting Race’ (Workers’ Republic 13 August)
‘Home Rule Journalists and Patriotism’ (Workers’ Republic 13 August)
‘The Men We Honour’ (Workers’ Republic 13 August)
‘An Open Letter to Dublin Castle’ (Workers’ Republic 13 August)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 20 August)
‘The Roots of Modern War’ (Workers’ Republic 20 August)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 27 August)
‘Labour Representation’ (Workers’ Republic 27 August)
‘Peasant Proprietorship and Socialism’ (Workers’ Republic 27 August)
‘British and Russian Imperialism I’ (Workers’ Republic 3 September)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 3 September)
‘British and Russian Imperialism II’ (Workers’ Republic 10 September)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 17 September)
‘Regicide and Revolution’ (Workers’ Republic 17 September)
‘The Irish Land Question’ (Workers’ Republic 24 September)
‘The Independent and New Machinery’ (Workers’ Republic 1 October)
‘Parnellism and Labour’ (Workers’ Republic 8 October)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 22 October)
‘A Socialist Candidate for Dublin Corporation’ (Workers’ Republic 22 October)
1899 Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic May)
‘Resurgam!’ (Workers’ Republic May)
‘The Sweating System’ (Workers’ Republic 3 June)
‘State Monopoly versus Socialism’ (Workers’ Republic 10 June - The New Evangel)
‘Socialism and Religion’ (Workers’ Republic 17 June - The New Evangel)
‘Father Finlay, S.J., and Socialism’ (Workers’ Republic 1 July - The New Evangel)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 1 July)
‘Socialism and Political Reformers’ (Workers’ Republic 8 July - The New Evangel)
‘“Soldiers of the Queen”’ (Workers’ Republic 15 July)
‘Physical Force in Irish Politics’ (Workers’ Republic 22 July)
‘The Economic Basis of Politics’ (Workers’ Republic 12 August - The New Evangel)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 19 August)
‘The South African War I’ (Workers’ Republic 19 August)
‘Law and Order’ (Workers’ Republic 26 August)
‘The Re-Conquest of Ireland’ (Workers’ Republic 2 September)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 9 September)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 23 September)
‘Compositors and the Linotype’ (Workers’ Republic 30 September)
‘America and Ireland - Farmers’ Demands’ (Workers’ Republic 21 October)
‘Imperialism and Socialism’ (Workers’ Republic 4 November)
‘Socialism and Imperialism’ (Workers’ Republic 4 November)
‘Landlordism in Towns’ (Workers’ Republic 18 November)
‘The South African War II’ (Workers’ Republic 18 November)
‘A Plea for the Children’ (Workers’ Republic 2 December)
‘Dogma and Food’ (Workers’ Republic 9 December)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 9 December)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 16 December)
‘Dublin and the War’ (Workers’ Republic 30 December)
‘Our Mad Rulers’ (Workers’ Republic 30 December)
‘Let Us Free Ireland!’ (Workers’ Republic)
1900 ‘Bruce Glasier in Ireland’ (Justice, 31 March)
‘The Difficulties of Socialism’ (Workers’ Republic 3 June)
‘The Difficulties of Socialism’ (Workers’ Republic 3 June)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 3 June)
‘The Difficulties of Capitalism’ (Workers’ Republic 16 June)
‘Resolution of Sympathy with the Boers’ (Workers’ Republic 30 June)
‘The Coming Generation’ (Workers’ Republic 15 July)
‘Ireland Sober is Ireland Free?’ (Workers’ Republic 15 July)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 15 September)
‘Parliamentary Democracy’ (Workers’ Republic 22 September)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Workers’ Republic 10 November)
‘The Corporation and the Children’ (Workers’ Republic 24 November)
‘An Object Lesson’ (Workers’ Republic 15 December)
1901 ‘Socialist Electioneering’ (Workers’ Republic February)
‘Class Government and Class War’ (Workers’ Republic May)
‘Justice And Millerand (Justice, 25 May)
‘Irish Trade Union Congress’ (Workers’ Republic June)
‘Home Rulers and Labour’ (Workers’ Republic October)
‘Letter to the Secretary of the Edinburgh branch of the SDF (letter, 1 November)
‘Wood Quay Ward - To the Electors’ (Workers’ Republic December)
‘The New Evangel - Preached to Irish Toilers (pamphlet)
1902 Coronation of King Edward VII (1902)
‘Taken Root!’ (Workers’ Republic March)
‘The Irish Socialist Republican Party and the Dewsbury Election (Justice, 29 March 1902)
‘Our “American Mission”’ (Workers’ Republic August)
1903 Wood Quay Ward, Election Address - Dublin (January)
‘The New Danger’ (Workers’ Republic April)
‘A Rebel Song’ (The Socialist, May)
‘Unpatriotic?’ (Workers’ Republic May)
The Socialist Labour Party of America and the London SDF’ (The Socialist, June)
‘The American SDP - Its Origin, its Press, and its Policies’ (The Socialist, July)
‘Loubet - and Other Things’ (The Socialist, August)
1904 The Connolly-DeLeon Controversy (April-June)
1907 ‘Revolutionary Song’ (Songs of Freedom)
‘We Only Want the Earth’ (Songs of Freedom)
‘Wages and Prices’ (The Industrial Union Bulletin, 26 October 1907)
‘Notes from New York’ (The Industrial Union Bulletin, 7 December 1907)
1908 Declaration of Principles of the Irish Socialist Federation (New York, January)
‘The Coming Revolt in India I’ (The Harp, January)
‘Harp Strings’ (The Harp, January)
‘Our Purpose and Function’ (The Harp, January)
‘A Political Party of The Workers’ (The Harp, January)
‘The Coming Revolt in India II’ (The Harp, February)
‘Irish Socialist Republic - To the Irish People’ (The Harp, March)
‘Sinn Féin and Socialism’ (The Harp, April)
‘To Irish Wage Workers in America’ (The Harp, May)
‘Harp Strings’ (The Harp, June)
‘Political Action’ (The Harp, July)
‘Michael Davitt - A Text for a Revolutionary Lecture’ (The Harp, August)
‘The Irish Masses in History’ (The Harp, September)
‘Roman Catholicism and Socialism’ (The Harp, September)
‘Facets of American Liberty’ (The Harp, December)
‘The Future of Labour’ (Socialism Made Easy)
‘Industrial Unionism and Constructive Socialism’ (Socialism Made Easy)
1909 ‘Sinn Fein, Socialism and the Nation’ (Irish Nation, 23 January)
‘Learning Their Lesson’ (The Harp, September)
‘Ballots, Bullets, Or - (The International Socialist Review, October)
‘Capitalism and the Irish Small Farmers’ (The Harp, November) [see extract]
‘Erin’s Hope - The End & The Means (Revised American edition)
Socialism Made Easy (Extracts from Labor Action)
Workshop Talks
1910 A New Labour Policy’ (The Harp, January)
‘Industrialism and the Trade Unions’ (International Socialist Review, February)
‘Labour and Politics in Ireland’ (The Harp, April)
Labour in Irish History (pamphlet 1910)
Labour, Nationality and Religion (pamphlet 1910)
Socialist Party of Ireland (1910 or early 1911)
1911 John Redmond, M.P. - His Strength and Weakness’ (Forward, 11 March)
‘Sweatshops Behind the Orange Flag’ (Forward, 11 March)
‘The Connolly-Walker Controversy: On Socialist Unity in Ireland’ (Forward, May-July)
‘Belfast Dockers - Their Miseries and their Triumphs’ (Irish Worker, 26 August)
‘Walter Carpenter Free’ (Irish Worker, 2 September)
‘Direct Action in Belfast’ (Irish Worker, 16 September)
‘Visit of King George V [see extract]
1912 ‘An Exchange on Rome and Irish Catholics’ (Catholic Times, November)
‘Some Rambling Remarks’ (Irish Worker, Christmas number)
‘Belfast Labour Meeting & Home Rule Bill (resolution)
1913 Belfast Municipal Elections January 1913 - Dock Ward: Election of a Councillor (January)
‘British Labour and Irish politicians’ (Forward, 3 May)
‘Catholicism, Protestantism & Politics’ (Forward, 3 May)
‘Many-Headed Opposition’ (Forward, 10 May)
‘The Awakening of Ulster’s Democracy’ (Forward, 7 June)
‘The Larne Strike I’ (Forward, 14 June)
‘The Larne Strike II’ (Forward, 28 June)
‘July the 12th’ (Forward, 12 July)
‘North-East Ulster’ (Forward, 2 August)
‘A Forgotten Chapter in Irish History’ (Forward, 9 August)
‘Belfast and Dublin To-Day’ (Forward, 23 August)
‘The Dublin Lock Out: On the Eve’ (Irish Worker, 30 August)
‘Press Poisoners in Ireland’ (Forward, 30 August)
‘Glorious Dublin!’ (Forward, 4 October)
Documents for the Askwith Inquiry
‘The Children, The Irish Transport & General Workers’ Union and the Archbishop’ (Forward, 1 November)
‘How to Release Larkin’ (Irish Worker, 1 November)
‘Importation v. Deportation’ (Irish Worker, 8 November)
‘Irish Rebels and English Mobs’ (Irish Worker, 22 November)
‘A Titanic Struggle (The Daily Herald, 6 December)
‘Capitalist Dove of Peace?’ (Irish Worker, 6 December)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Irish Worker, 6 December)
‘Arms and the Man’ (Irish Worker, 13 December)
‘Home Thrusts’ (Irish Worker, 13 December)
‘Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union
‘To the Working Class of Dublin’ (Irish Worker, 13 December)
‘A Fiery Cross or Christmas Bells’ (Irish Worker, 20 December)
‘To the Linen Slaves of Belfast’ (Manifesto of Irish Textile Workers’ Union)
1914 ‘Mr Murphy’s Great New Year Speech’ (Irish Worker, 3 January)
‘A Lesson From Dublin’ (Forward, 2 February)
‘The Isolation of Dublin’ (Forward, 9 February)
‘The Lenten Pastorals - A Challenge’ (Irish Worker, 28 February)
‘Labour and the Proposed Partition of Ireland’ (Irish Worker, 14 March)
‘The Outrages at Jacob’s’ (Irish Worker, 14 March)
‘Industrial Unity and Political Division in Ireland’ (Forward, 21 March)
‘The War in Ulster’ (Forward, 28 March)
‘Ireland and Ulster: An Appeal to the Working Class’ (Irish Worker, 4 April)
‘The Exclusion of Ulster’ (Forward, 11 April)
‘The Solidarity of Labour’ (Forward, 18 April)
‘Old Wine in New Bottles (New Age, 30 April)
Independent Labour Party of Ireland: Ireland Upon The Dissecting Table (April)
‘Changes’ (Forward, 9 May)
‘The Legacy’ (Irish Worker, 23 May)
‘The Problem of Trade Union Organization’ (Forward, 23 May)
‘The Liberals and Ulster’ (Forward, 30 May)
‘Address to the Delegates’ (Irish Worker, 30 May)
‘Yellow Unions in Ireland’ (Forward, 20 June)
‘Labour in the New Irish Parliament’ (Forward, 4 July)
‘The Latest Massacre in Dublin’ (Forward, 1 August)
‘The Carsonite Position’ (Irish Worker, 8 August)
‘Our Duty In This Crisis’ (Irish Worker, 8 August)
‘A Continental Revolution’ (Forward, 15 August)
‘The National Danger’ (Irish Worker, 15 August)
‘No Compromise - No Conciliation’ (Irish Worker, 15 August)
‘A Martyr For Conscience Sake’ (Forward, 22 August)
‘America and Europe’ (Irish Worker, 22 August)
‘Northern Notes’ (Irish Worker, 22 August)
‘On German Militarism’ (Irish Worker, 22 August)
‘The War Upon The German Nation’ (Irish Worker, 29 August)
‘The Real Situation In Ireland’ (Forward, 5 September)
‘Connolly’s Speech on War’s Outbreak’ (Irish Worker, 5 September)
‘Recruiting - Let the Wastrels Go’ (Irish Worker, 5 September)
‘The Friends of Small Nationalities’ (Irish Worker, 12 September)
‘Ruling By Fooling: Home Rule On the Statute Book”’ (Irish Worker, 19 September)
‘Some Perverted Battle Lines’ (Irish Worker, 26 September)
‘A Matter of Coercion’ (Irish Worker, 3 October)
‘Redmond Cannot Deliver the Goods’ (Irish Worker, 3 October)
‘A Forward Policy for Volunteers’ (Irish Worker, 10 October)
Forward!’ (Irish Worker, 17 October)
‘How England Sacrificed Belgium’ (Irish Worker, 17 October)
‘Ireland and the War - The Position of the Nation’ (Irish Worker, 17 October)
‘The Ballot or the Barricades’ (Irish Worker, 24 October)
‘The Hope of Ireland’ (Irish Worker, 31 October)
‘Rally for Labour’ (Irish Worker, 14 November)
‘Disturbed Dublin’ (Irish Worker, 18 November)
‘Labour Mans the Breach’ (Irish Worker, 21 November)
‘Tell the Truth - A Challenge to Mr Birrell’ (Irish Worker, 28 November)
‘Courtsmartial and Revolution’ (Irish Worker, 19 December)
‘Independent Labour Party of Ireland: Appeal to the Irish Working Class
‘War: What It Means To You (Irish Citizen Army [Belfast Division])
1915 “In This Supreme Hour of Our National Danger’ (The Worker, 9 January)
‘Jottings’ (The Worker, 16 January)
‘Our Rulers as a Study’ (The Worker, 30 January)
‘Can Warfare Be Civilized?’ (The Worker, 30 January)
‘Revolutionary Unionism and War’ (International Socialist Review, March)
‘Love of Freedom’ (Workers’ Republic 8 April)
‘Revolutionary Warfare’ (Workers’ Republic May-July)
‘The Dublin Lock-Out and Its Sequel’ (Workers’ Republic 29 May)
‘Moscow Insurrection of 1905’ (Workers’ Republic 29 May [from Revolutionary Warfare])
‘Our Policy’ (Workers’ Republic 29 May)
‘From a Labour Day Speech in Dublin’ (Workers’ Republic 5 June)
‘Insurrection in the Tyrol’ (Workers’ Republic 5 June [from Revolutionary Warfare])
‘Our Disappearing Liberties’ (Workers’ Republic 5 June)
‘College Green: A Labour Candidate’ (Workers’ Republic 12 June)
‘Revolution in Belgium’ (Workers’ Republic 12 June [from Revolutionary Warfare])
‘After the Battle’ (Workers’ Republic 19 June)
‘Defence of the Alamo’ (Workers’ Republic 19 June [from Revolutionary Warfare])
‘Liberty and Labour’ (Workers’ Republic 19 June)
‘A Railway Thief’ (Workers’ Republic 26 June)
‘War at Home’ (Workers’ Republic 26 June)
‘Revolution in Paris, 1830’ (Workers’ Republic 3 July [from Revolutionary Warfare])
‘The Right to Strike’ (Workers’ Republic 3 July)
‘Lexington’ (Workers’ Republic 10 July [from Revolutionary Warfare])
‘What is a Scab?’ (Workers’ Republic 10 July)
‘Coercion in England’ (Workers’ Republic 17 July)
‘June 1848’ (Workers’ Republic 17 July [from Revolutionary Warfare])
‘Street Fighting - Summary’ (Workers’ Republic 24 July [from Revolutionary Warfare])
‘Strikes and Revolution’ (Workers’ Republic 24 July)
‘Dublin Trades Council’ (Workers’ Republic 31 July)
‘The Man and the Cause!’ (Workers’ Republic 31 July)
‘Why The Citizen Army Honours Rossa (Rossa Souvenir, July)
‘Ireland’s Travail and Ireland’s Resurrection’ (Workers’ Republic 7 August)
‘To All Labourers’ Societies’ (Workers’ Republic 14 August)
‘Militarism’ (Workers’ Republic 21 August)
‘Coercion in England’ (Workers’ Republic 28 August)
‘Wee Joe Devlin’ (Workers’ Republic 28 August)
‘The Party Versus the People’ (Workers’ Republic 4 September)
‘Protect Your Women’ (Workers’ Republic 11 September)
‘God Help the Poor Irish’ (Workers’ Republic 18 September)
‘Some Irish Slaves and Slavishness’ (Workers’ Republic 25 September)
‘James Keir Hardie’ (Workers’ Republic 2 October)
‘Labour and the Budget - Dublin Transport Workers’ Protest’ (Workers’ Republic 2 October)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 2 October)
‘In Praise of the Empire’ (Workers’ Republic 9 October)
‘Without Principle’ (Workers’ Republic 9 October)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 16 October)
‘To Hell with Contracts’ (Workers’ Republic 16 October)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 23 October)
‘The Immorality of Dublin’ (Workers’ Republic 23 October)
‘For the Citizen Army’ (Workers’ Republic 30 October)
‘A War For Civilization’ (Workers’ Republic 30 October)
‘Diplomacy’ (Workers’ Republic 6 November)
‘Recruiting the Irish Citizen Army’ (Workers’ Republic 6 November)
‘Ireland - Disaffected Or Revolutionary’ (Workers’ Republic 13 November)
‘The Returned Emigrants’ (Workers’ Republic 13 November)
‘The Dispute on the Docks - Is it War?’ (Workers’ Republic 20 November)
‘The Manchester Martyrs’ (Workers’ Republic 20 November)
‘Conscription(Workers’ Republic 27 November)
‘Enlist or Starve!’ (Workers’ Republic 27 November)
‘Dublin Trade and Dublin Strikes’ (Workers’ Republic 4 December)
‘Trust Your Leaders!’ (Workers’ Republic 4 December)
‘The Housing Problem from a New Standpoint’ (Workers’ Republic 11 December)
‘Economic Conscription I’ (Workers’ Republic 18 December)
‘Forgive and Forget’ (Workers’ Republic 18 December)
‘Correspondents’ (Workers’ Republic 25 December)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 25 December)
‘Two Fateful Christmas Weeks’ (Workers’ Republic 25 December)
‘The Re-Conquest of Ireland (pamphlet, 1915)
1916 ‘A Happy New Year’ (Workers’ Republic 1 January)
‘A Lesson of the Strike’ (Workers’ Republic 8 January)
‘The Volunteers of ’82’ (Workers’ Republic 8 January)
‘Economic Conscription II’ (Workers’ Republic 15 January)
‘The Programme of Labour’ (Workers’ Republic 19 January)
‘What Is Our Programme?’ (Workers’ Republic 22 January)
‘In the Gap of Danger’ (Workers’ Republic 22 January)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 5 February)
‘The Slackers I’ (Workers’ Republic 5 February)
‘Cannon Fodder for British Imperialism’ (Workers’ Republic 12 February)
‘Still Fighting’ (Workers’ Republic 12 February)
‘What Is A Free Nation?’ (Workers’ Republic 12 February)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 19 February)
‘The Slums and the Trenches’ (Workers’ Republic 26 February)
‘Unemployment in Ireland’ (Workers’ Republic 26 February)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 4 March)
‘To the Seafarers of Ireland’ (Workers’ Republic 4 March)
‘The Days of March’ (Workers’ Republic 11 March)
‘The Slackers II’ (Workers’ Republic 11 March)
‘The German or the British Empire?’ (Workers’ Republic 18 March)
‘The National Festival’ (Workers’ Republic 18 March)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 18 March)
‘The Slackers III’ (Workers’ Republic 25 March)
‘We Will Rise Again’ (Workers’ Republic 25 March)
‘The Call To Arms’ (Workers’ Republic 1 April)
‘A Cheap Bargain’ (Workers’ Republic 1 April)
‘The Irish Flag’ (Workers’ Republic 8 April)
‘Forces of Civilisation’ (Workers’ Republic 8 April)
‘Irish Trade Union Congress’ (Workers’ Republic 15 April)
‘Notes on the Front’ (Workers’ Republic 15 April)
‘Labour and Ireland’ (Workers’ Republic 22 April)
Last Statement (given to his daughter Nora Connolly on the eve of his execution by the British, 9 May)
Others ‘The Humours of Politics’ (Forward July 26, 1913 and Irish Worker, January 14, 1914, respectively.)
‘Socialism in Ireland’ (The Harp, March, 1908 and Forward, August 16, 1913, respectively.)
‘The Language Movement’ (The Workers’ Republic, October 1, 1898 and The Harp, April, 1908, respectively.)
Posthumous ‘The Watchword of Labour’ (From The Legacy and Songs of Freedom, 1918)

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