Bernard Connor
Life ?1666-1698; b. Limerick [var. Kerry]; ed. Montpellier and Rheims; Doctor in Medicine, Rheims, 1691; appt. physician to King John Sobieski of Poland; lecturer at Oxford and Cambridge; issued a History of Poland (2 vols., 1698), trans. in German as Beschreibung des Königsreichs Polen und Gross-Herzogthum Litauens (Leipzig 1700); Evangelium Medici (1697) is an attack on miracles; d. of fever, London. ODNB DIB
References Henry Boylan, Dictionary of Irish Biography (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1988): b. Kerry; ed. Montpellier, and Reims, grad MD 1691; travelled to Italy in charge of the two sons of the Chancellor of Poland; cured of fever William Legge, Earl of Dartmouth, in Venice; stayed at court of Emperor Leopold in Bavaria; appointed court physician to Jan Sobieski, king of Poland, in 1694; accompanied the Kings daughter Teresa Cunigunda to her marriage with the Elector of Bavaria in Brussels; came to England in 1695 and lectured on anatomy and physiology at Oxford, writing his Dissertationes Medico-Physicae; elected FRS; licentiate College of Physicians, 1696; History of Poland (1698); insisted on the intrinsic probability of miracles in Evangelum Medici (697).
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