[Rev] Luke Alymer Conolly
Life ?1785-1833; grad. TCD 1806; The Friars Tale, or Memoirs of the Chevalier Orsini, 2 vols. (Lon. 1805), prose and occas. verse; The Tournament, legendary tale (Belast 1827; 1832); also Account of Ramoan, Co. Antrim, and Parochial Survey of Ireland (1861) [?vol. 1/2 vols]; resident in Ballycastle, and collected in Hayes Ballads; author of Parochial Survey of Ireland; included by Sir John Carr as Irish poet in Stranger in Ireland (1803). Died in Ballycastle, Co. Antrim. Wrote a piece called By Rathlins Island [I chanced to sail], in Hayess Ballads of Ireland; d. Ballycastle. PI DIBV
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References John Cooke, ed., Dublin Book of Irish Verse (1909); bio-dates 1786-1833, The Enchanted Island (Rathlin, [Ballycastle]).
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