Richard Creagh
Life ?1525-1585; b. Limerick; ed. Louvain (Brabant), Archbishop of Armagh, 1564; arrested in Ireland 1565; Latin works include manuscript De Lingua Hibernica [n.d.], and manuscript, Topographia [ ...] and Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae, in TCD; also A Cathecism in Irish (1560); tried and acquitted in Dublin, 1567, but sent to London in chains; escaped from the Tower of London to Louvain; met Shane ONeill in Connaught; recaptured 1567; died in Tower. ODNB DIW
References Dictionary of National Biography: RC Archbishop of Armagh; died in Tower, though acquitted in High Treason trial in Dublin in 1567 [dates as above].
Walter Harris, trans. Sir James Ware, Writers of Ireland (Dublin: Ebenezer Rider 1736 edn.): Richard Creagh of Limerick, Educated at Louvain in Brabant, lived at the same time [1576]; and writ a M.S yet extant of the Irish Tongue: Also an Ecclesiastical History, Controversies of Faith: A Chronicle of Ireland: The Lives of the Irish Saints: and a Cathecism in Irish. (Chap. XII.)
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