P. L. Dickinson
Author of The Dublin of Yesterday (1929).
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Quotations The Dublin of Yesterday (1929): The Gael was a rung on the ladder, a rung which has long been overstepped. The modern movement in the new political entity - the Irish Free State - the modern movement backward towards this Gaelic Hey-Day is pathetic; or if you wish it is comic; certainly it is useless. ... any such retrograde movement as an attempt at the compulsory revival of a dead language only becomes a local racial injury ... There is not a thought in me that does not want well-being for the land of my birth; yet there is no room today in their own land for thousands of Irishmen of similar views. (p.177; cited in Terence Brown, Irish Social History, p. 117; and erreoneously ascribed to Sir John Mahaffy in Harrington, Irish Beckett,
p. 132.)
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