William Steel Dickson
Life 1744-1824; b. Carnmoney, Co. Antrim; United Irishman; ed. Glasgow, DD 1783; presbyterian minister of Ballyhalbert and Portaferry, Co. Down; denounced England in the colonies, 1776; advocated Catholic admission to Ir. Volunteers, 1779; joine UI, 1791; lectured on Scripture Politics in 1793; instrumental in Catholic Relief Act, 1793; adjutant-major to Society of United Irishmen, Co. Down, 1798; imprisoned Fort George prior to rebellion, 1798 [var. , 1799; minister in Second Keady, Co. Armagh,
1803; died in penury. ODNB DUB
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Criticism Ian McBride, Scripture Politics: Ulster Presbyterians and Radical Politics in the Late Eighteenth Century (OUP 1998).
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References Dictionary of National Biography: 1744-1824; United Irishman; taught by Robt. White, presbyterian minister of Templepatrick; ed. Glasgow; licenced, 1767; minister Ballyhalbert, now Glastry, Co. Down, 1771; spoke in 1776 against unnatural, impolitic, unprincipled war with America; spoke against Govt. fast-days; suffered secession from his congregation; volunteer movement, 1778; advocated enrolment of Catholics, 22 Mar 1778; moved to congregation at Portaferry 1780; moderator gen. of synod of Ulster,
1780; supported Robt. Stewart in election battle against Hill; assisted in obtained pledge for unanimous and immediate catholic emancipation, Belfast 1792, volunteer meeting; arrested a Ballynahinch before projected insurrection; black hole; released, 1802; resumed ministry; fiercely beaten by Orangemen returning from attendance at Catholic meeting,
9 Sept. 1811; recommended for divinity chair by William Neilson, 1816; paupers grave, Cliften St. cem., Belfast; m. Isabelle Gamble, 1771. Bibl. sources includ, Presbyterian records, Musgrave, Teeling, Montgomerys
Presbyterian History; Madden, Reids Presbyt. Hist., Killens Presbyt. Hist. &c.
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