Ambrose Eccles
?-1809; Shakespearean scholar, ed. TCD; edited Cymbeline (1793); King Lear (1793); Merchant of Venice (1805), transposing scenes which he thought wrongly placed. RR ODNB
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Criticism Richard Ryan, Biographia Hibernica: Irish Worthies (1821), Vol. II, p.116.
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Eccles Street, the abode of Leopold Bloom in Ulysses (1922) and the scene of the first epiphany in Stephen Hero [1944] - both by James Joyce - is named after Sir John Eccles, an eigtheenth-century Dublin developer who built the street. He is buried in the hereby Temple Street Church [C. of Ireland], now a municipal chidren"s park. Apart from an actual acquaintance with No. 7 under occupancy by his friend J., F. Byrne and mother, Joyce may have intended to make use of the coincidence of Eccles name with the abbreviation for ecclesia [church] as eccles. in many clerical contexts. There is an Eccles Hotel in Co. Cork - also attributable to the family name.
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