Brian Fitzgerald
1909-1977; Irish parentage, hist. biographer; works include The Geraldines: An Experiment in Irish Government (London: Staples 1951); The Anglo-Irish, Cork, Ormonde, Swift (1952); Lady Louisa Connolly (1950), Emily, Duchess of Leinster, 1731-1814, A Study of her Life and Times (London: Staples 1949; 2nd imp. 1950), ills.; Daniel Defoe, Study in Conflict (1954). DIW
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References British Library holdsThe Anglo-Irish, 3 Representative Types 1602-1745 (1952), var. as The Anglo-Irish, 3 Representative Types, Cork, Ormonde, Swift (London: Staples 1952) [Whelan Cat. 32].
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