Percy Fitzgerald - Bibliography of Works
[ Note: COPAC lists 534 titles incl. repetitions - here reduced to 132 original and edited volumes. ]
- 1. An apology for the life of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone; or, The new politics / [by Percy Fitzgerald.]. 1885, 1996.
- 2. The art of acting in connection with the study of character, the spirit of comedy and stage illusion. 1892.
- 3. The art of acting in connection with the study of character, the spirit of comedy and stage illusion: with a portrait of Frederic Lemaitre. 1892.
- 4 The art of the stage as set out in Lambs dramatic essays / with a commentary by Percy Fitzgerald. 1885.
- 5. The Art of the Stage as set out in Lambs dramatic essays. With a commentary by Percy Fitzgerald. / [by] Lamb, Charles Hetherington. 1885.
- 6. Autobiography of a small boy. 1869.
- 7. The bachelors dilemma and other stories, gay and grave. 1892.
- 8. Bardell v. Pickwick: the trial for breach of promise of marriage held at the Guildhall sittings, on April 1, 1828, before Mr. Justice Stareleigh and a Special Jury of the City of London. With illustrations by Dickens; ed with notes and commentaries by Percy Fitzgerald. 1901, 1902.
- 9. Beauty Talbot. 1870.
- 10. Bella Donna; or, The cross before the name: a romance / [by] Dyce, Gilbert, pseud. [i.e. Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald.]. 1864.
- 11. The book fancier: or, The romance of book collecting. 1886, 1887, 1914.
- 12. The book of modern anecdotes. Humour, wit and wisdom. American, legal, theatrical / edited by Howard Paul, John Timbs and Percy Fitzgerald. 1873, 1874.
- 13. Boswells autobiography, ed. by Percy Fitgerald. 1912, ill..
- 14. Bow Street Police Office: with an account of the magistrates, runners and police; and a selection of the most interesting cases. 1888 [var. Chronicles of Bow-Street police-office, &c. 1888].
- 15. Bozland: Dickens places and people. 1895.
- 16. A brief argument against the present law affecting marriage with a deceased wifes sister: inscribed by permission to His Excellency the Earl of St. Germans, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland by the Knight of Kerry [Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald]. 1853.
- 17. Catholic jewels from Shakespeare selected by Percy Fitzgerald. 1890.
- 18. Charles Lamb: his friends, his haunts and his books. 1865, 1866, 1978.
- 19. Charles Townshend. Wit and Statesman.; Townshend, Right Hon. Charles. 1866.
- 20. The Complete Works of Charles Dickens... Edited with annotations, bibliography and topography by Frederic G. Kitton. [With plates after the original illustrations and others.] / [by] Dickens, Charles Hetherington. 1903.
- 21. Corpus Christi Church in Maiden Lane.. 1905.
- 22. Editing à la Mode. An examination of Dr. Birkbeck Hills new edition of Boswells Life of Johnson … enl. from an article in Time. 1891; . Further examination of Dr. Birkbeck Hills edition of Boswells Life of Johnson. 1891; and Do., as Dr. Birkbeck Hills edition of Johnsons letters, examined and criticised by Percy Fitzgerald, Pt 1. 1892; and Do., as A critical examination: Dr.G. Birkbeck Hills Johnsonian editions issued by the Clarendon press, Oxford. 1898.
- 23. Crokers Boswell and Boswell: studies in the Life of Johnson / by P.H. Fitzgerald. 1880.
- 24. A Days Tour. A journey through France and Belgium, etc.. 1887.
- 25. The Dear Girl. 1868.
- 26. Death jewels. 1901.
- 27. Diana Gay; or, The history of a young lady. 1868 [Originally in Belgravia.]. 1868, 1877.
- 28. Foreword to Dickens Dream Children [q.d.].
- 29. Eucharistic Jewels for persons living in the world. 1889.
- 30. Fairy Alice. 1865.
- 31. A Famous Forgery; being the story of the unfortunate Doctor Dodd.; Dodd, William, LL.D.. 1865.
- 32. Fatal zero, a diary kept at Homburg / [by Percy H. Fitzgerald.]. 1869, and Do. A new edition 1886.
- 33. Father Gallwey: A Sketch With some Early Letters. 1906.
- 34. Fifty years of Catholic life and social progress, under cardinals Wiseman, Manning, Vaughan, and Newman. With an account of the various personages, events, and movements during the era. 1901.
- 35. The Garrick Club. [With illustrations.]; London. 1904.
- 36. Gems from Boswell. Being a selection of the most effective scenes and characters in the Life of Johnson and the Tour to the Hebrides. By Percy Fitzgerald. [With a portrait.] / [by] Boswell, James, the Elder Hetherington. 1907.
- 37. The Good Queen Charlotte, etc.; Charlotte, Queen Consort of George III., King of Great Britain and Ireland, with ports. 1899.
- 38. The Great Canal at Suez: its political, engineering, and financial history. With an account of the struggles of its projector, F. de Lesseps.; Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie de, Viscount. 2 vols., 1876, rep. 1978, 1996.
- 39. Hair splitting as a fine art. Letters to my son Herbert / (more letters to my son Herbert [signed: W.E.G.].) [A satire on W.E. Gladstone by Percy Fitzgerald.]. 1882.
- 40. Handbook to the National Portrait Gallery. Second edition - enlarged. [The advertisement signed: P. F., i.e. Percy Fitzgerald]. 1872.
- 41. Henry Irving. A record of twenty years at the Lyceum.; Sir John Henry Brodribb. 1893, 1895.
- 42. Henwitchers Carte. Vaudeville, etc. [by P. F.].. 1863.
- 43. The history of Pickwick: an account of its characters, localities, allusions, and illustrations. With a bibliography. 1891, rep. 1977.
- 44. The hogge hath lost his pearle: a comedy: divers times publikely acted, by certaine London prentices / by Robert Tailor. 1614 [also named].
- 45. Jane Austen. A criticism and appreciation. [With a portrait.]. 1912.
- 46. Jenny Bell. A story.. 1866.
- 47. Jewels of The imitation. A selection of passages, with a little commentary. 1896.
- 48. Jewels of Prayer and Meditation from unfamiliar sources.. 1898.
- 49. The Jewels of the Mass. A short account of the rites and prayers used in the holy sacrifice.. 1887.
- 50. John Forster. By one of his friends [Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald]. / [by] Forster, John, Barrister-at-Law, of the Inner Temple Hetherington. 1903.
- 51. Josephines troubles. A story of the great Franco-German war 1870-71. 1907.
- 52. The Kembles: an account of the Kemble family, including the life of Mrs. Siddons and her brother John Philip Kemble. 1871, rep. 1969.
- 53. King Theodore of Corsica. [A biography.] [Théodore Étienne de Neuhoff], King of Corsica. 1890.
- 54. Kings and Queens of an hour: records of love, romance oddity and adventure, 2 vols. 1883.
- 55. Lady Jean; the romance of the great Douglas cause. 1904.
- 56. The lady of Brantome. 1884.
- 57. The Lancashire-witches, and Tegue O Divelly the Irish-priest: a comedy acted at the Dukes Theater / written by Tho. Shadwell. 1682 [also names].
- 58. The Laymans Day: or, Jewels of Practical Piety. 1892, 1896.
- 59. Letter: [1862?] Oct. 18, 32 Merrion St, Dublin, to David Laing. 1862.
- 60. Letter: 1871 May 11, 37 St Georges Road, Pimlico SW [London], to David Laing. 1871.
- 61. The life (by Sir T.N. Talfourd) and writings of Charles Lamb, ed. with notes and illustrations by Percy Fitzgerald, &. 1876.
- 62. Life and adventures of Alexander Dumas. 1873.
- 63. The life and times of John Wilkes, Lord Mayor of London, and Chamberlain. [With portraits and a genealogical table.]. 1888, 1890.
- 64. The life and times of William IV [1765-1837] including a view of social life and manners during his reign. 2 vols.. 1884, rep..
- 65. The life and work of Henry Irving / as recorded in 22 scrapbooks created by Percy Fitzgerald; introduced with list of contents, by George Rowell. 1981.
- 66. The life, letters and writings of Charles Lamb (A sketch of the Life of Charles Lamb ... By Sir T. N. Talfourd) , The Temple Edition, edited with notes and illustrations by Percy Fitzgerald. 1876, 1882, 1886, 1892, 1895, 1897, 1910, 1924.
- 67. The life of Charles Dickens as revealed in his writings. 2 vols. 1905.
- 68. The Life of D. Garrick; from original family papers, and numerous published and unpublished sources.. 1868, 1899.
- 69. The life of George the Fourth: including his letters and opinions with a view of the men, manners and politics of his reign, 2 vols., 1881, 1989.
- 70. Life of James Boswell (of Auchinleck): with an account of his sayings, doings, and writings...With 4 portraits. 1891.
- 71. The life of Laurence Sterne; with illustrations from drawings by the author and others. 1864, 1896, 1905, rep. as Life of Laurence Sterne by P. Fitzgerald: including memoirs of the life of the family of Laurence Sterne by himself; introduction by W.L. Cross. 1970.
- 72. The life of Mrs. Catherine Clive: with an account of her adventures on and off the stage, a round of her characters, together with her correspondence. 1888, rep.
- 73. The life of Samuel Johnson, L LD / edited with new notes by Percy Fitzgerlad. 1888, rep. 1924.
- 74. The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D: comprising a series of his epistolary correspondence and conversations with many eminent persons; and various original pieces of his composition, with a chronological account of his studies and numerous works, the whole exhibiting a view of literature and literary men in Great Britain for nearly half a century; to which is added The Journal of a tour to the Hebrides / by James Boswell; edited, with notes, and a biographical dictionary of persons named in the work by Percy Fitzgerald. 1897; 1872, 1873, 1874, 1888, 1891, 1902, 1910.
- 75. Light only on the box: a drawing-room comedietta. 1860.
- 76. Lightning Tours. Flights by night and day, by boat and rail, mostly within 24 hours. 1903.
- 77. Little Dorinda: who won and who lost her!. 1878, 1888.
- 78. Little essays / sketches and characters by Charles Lamb; selected from his letters by Percy Fitzgerald. 1884.
- 79. The lives of the Sheridans: With engravings on steel by Stodart and Every. 1886.
- 80. London city suburbs as they are to-day; illustrated by W. Luker, Jr., from original drawings. 1893.
- 81. The lukewarm Christian. Two sermons / arranged and abridged by Percy Fitzgerald. 1902.
- 82. The Lukewarm Christian. Two sermons [by] Jean Baptiste Massillon, Bishop of Clermont. Arranged and abridged by P. Fitzgerald. 1902.
- 83. Memoirs of an Author. 1894, 1895.
- 84. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by Boz (Charles Dickens) with Cruikshanks [13] illustrations and Whiteheads notes. 1883, 1884, 1893, 1903 [also named].
- 85. Memories of Charles Dickens: with an account of Household Words and All the Year Round and of the contributors thereto. 1913, rep. 1973.
- 86. The Middle-Aged Lover. A story.. 1873.
- 87. Mildrington the Barrister. A romance. 1863.
- 88. Music-hall land: An account of the natives, male and female, pastimes, songs, antics, and general oddities of that strange country. 1890, With eight illustrations by Alfred Bryan, rep. 1999.
- 89. Never Forgotten. [A novel.]. 1865, rep. 1871.
- 90. A new history of the English stage from the Restoration to the liberty of the theatres: in connection with the patent houses, from original papers in the Lord Chamberlains Office, the State Paper Office, and other sources ... In two volumes. 1882, 1991.
- 91. The Night Mail: its passengers, and how they fared at Christmas. 1862.
- 92. The Old Parliamentary Hand, or A chapter of autobiography. A letter addressed to Lord W-v-n on the recent crisis. By the author of Letters to my son Herbert [Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald] [on W. E. H. Gladstone]. 1887.
- 93. Only on the box: a comedietta. 1872.
- 94. An output. A list of writings on many diverse subjects; of sculptures; dramas; music; lectures; tours; collections; clubs; and public donations. Being a record of work done during a long and busy life, 1850-1912, ill. [portraits.]. 1910, 1912. 1913.
- 95. The Parvenu Family; or, Phoebe: girl and wife.. 1876.
- 96. Pavilionstone. (Out of Town.) With an introduction by Percy Fitzgerald. [With illustrations.] [by] Dickens, Charles. 1902.
- 97. Pickwick Riddles and Perplexities.; Dickens, Charles. 1912.
- 98. The Pickwickian Dictionary and Cyclopaedia. Dexter, John Furber. 1900.
- 99. Pickwickian Manners and Customs.; Dickens, Charles. 1897, 1898, 1899.
- 100. Pickwickian Studies. 1899, rep. as . Pickwickian studies, 1834-1925..
- 1976.
- 101. Pickwickian Wit and Humour. Selected by Percy Fitzgerald. 1903.
- 102. Pictures of school life and boyhood / selected from the best authors and edited by Percy Fitzgerald. 1873.
- 103. Picturesque London. Illustrated by W. Hatherell, A. W. Henley, W. C. Keene, Hume Nisbet, Herbert Railton, G. Seymour, W. F. Young. 1890 [also named].
- 104. 423. Polly. A village portrait. 1867; new edn. 1868.
- 105. Principles of comedy and dramatic effect. 1870.
- 106. Proverbs and comediettas written for private representation. 1869.
- 107. Puppets. A romance. 1884.
- 108. Recreations of a literary man: or, does writing pay? 1882.
- 109. Rejected Addresses. Edited with an introduction and notes by Percy Fitzgerald. (The Aldine Edition.) / [by] James (Horatio) Smith, Solicitor to the Ordnance,. 1890.
- 100. The Rev. Alfred Hoblush and his curacies: a memoir / by the author of Roman candles [i.e. Percy H. Fitzgerald], &, 1863, rep. in Parlour Library Edn. 1870..
- 101. Robert Adam, artist and architect: his works and his system... Lectures, etc. [With plates.]. 1904.
- 102. Roman Candles [Sketches of manners and customs at Rome. 1841, 1861.
- 103. The romance of the English stage, 2 vols. 1874; rep., 2001.
- 104. The Royal Dukes and Duchesses of the Family of George III. A view of their life and manners for seventy years, 1760-1830.; GEORGE III., King of Great Britain and Ireland; John, King of England, 2 vols. 1882.
- 105. Samuel Foote: a biography. 1910.
- 106. The Savoy opera: and the savoyards [by] Sir William Schwenck Gilbert, With sixty illustrations. 1894, 1899.
- 107. Scenic illusion and stage appliances. 1887.
- 108. School days at Saxonhurst by One of the boys. 1867, 1868, [3rd edn.] 1907.
- 109. The second Mrs. Tillotson. A Story Reprinted from All the year round. 1866.
- 110. Seventy-five Brooke Street. A story. 1867.
- 111. Shakespearean representation: its laws and limits. 1908.
- 112. Sir Henry Irving: a biography. 1906.
- 113. Le Sport at Baden. A picture of watering-place life and manners. 1864.
- 114. Stonyhurst memories; or, Six years at school. 1895.
- 115. The Story of Bradshaws Guide, &c.; Bradshaw, George, Publisher of the Railway Guide.. 1890.
- 116. The story of my Uncle Toby, &c., newly arranged. By Percy Fitzgerald. / [by] Sterne, Laurence Hetherington. 1871.
- 117. The Story of the Incumbered Estates Court. From All the Year Round.. 1862.
- 118. Strange secrets told by Percy Fitzgerald, Florence Marryat [and others]... Illustrations, &c. 1889.
- 119. Talks at Hawhawden: being a record of the opinions and convictions of W.E. Gludstone by James Buzwell [pseud., i.e. Percy Fitzgerald]. 1884.
- 120. The third Dickens exhibition: scenes from his life, works, & characters illustrated by well-known artists: also a collection of portraits (at various periods of his life), his homes and haunts: at the New Dudley Galleries; New Dudley Galleries, London. 1909.
- 121. Three weeks at Mopetown: or, Humours of a hydro: or, Humours of a hydro. 1891.
- 122. Two English Essayists: Charles Lamb and Charles Dickens. 1864.
- 123. Two Fair Daughters, etc. 1870, 1871.
- 124. The William Simpson. A comedietta, in one act [and in prose] 1850, 1872; rep. 1968..
- 125. The Woman with the Yellow Hair and Other Modern Mysteries. [Chiefly from Household Words]. 1862.
- 126. Worldlyman. A modern Morality of our day. Setting forth how he passed from death to life, from sin to virtue; how he was lost and how he was found, by the agency of the good Father S. Sepulchre, both going down in the Leviathan liner.. 1913.
- 127. Words for the wordly; or, Scriptural jewels. 1890, 1891.
- 128. The works and life of Laurence Sterne / edited by Wilbur L. Cross. 1904 [also named].
- 129. The world behind the scenes. 1881.
- 130. The worlds own book, or, The treasury of à Kempis: an account of the chief editions of The imitation of Christ with an analysis of its methods. 1895.
- 131. The worldly wisdom of Thomas a Kempis. 1908.
- 132. Young Coelebs. [A novel.]. 1881.