Samuel A. Ossory Fitzpatrick
Life fl.1907 [Samuel Alexander Ossory Fitzpatrick]; author of Dublin: A Historical and Topographical Account (1907) in the Ancient Cities series and the sole work of the author.
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Works Dublin: A Historical and Topographical Account of the City (London: Methuen 1907), xv, 359pp., ill. William Curtis Green.
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Commentary James Fairhall, Joyce and the Question of History (Cambridge UP 1993): the author calls Fitzpatrick an Anglo-Irishman and goes on to cite a reference to the cowardly and purposeless assassination of Mr Thomas H. Burke ... and Lord Frederick Cavendish .... perpetrated within sight of the windows of the Viceregal Lodge (Fitzpatrick, op. cit., p.278), and also the account of the opening of Killiney Park by Prince Albert and finally that of an electric tram system which now renders Dublin in respect of communication second to no city in Europe. (pp.63-66; adducing the foregoing to show that Joyces
picture of Dublin 1904 as paralysed is one-sided.)
Vincent Cheng, Finnegans Wake: All the Worlds a Stage, in James Joyces Finnegans Wake: A Casebook (NY: Garland Press 1991), pp.69-84.
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| Cheng, op. cit., 1991, p.79. |
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Quotations 19th century Dublin: The nineteenth century has added to Dublin most of its parish churches, Protestant and Roman Catholic, has seen the foundation of many more public institutions and some important additions to its public buildings, the rebuilding and alteration of four of the six previously existing bridges over the Liffey, and the erection of four new ones, the completion of a new and magnificent water supply, and the creation of a splendid system of internal communication. In addition, numerous statues and other memorials have been erected in the leading thoroughfares, the Phoenix Park has been laid out, and enriched with one of the finest zoological gardens in Europe, and a very complete system of main drainaing and electirc lighting practically completed. The construction of railways has brought Dublin into direct communication with every provincial centre, and the continuous growth of the suburbs and the erection of artisans dwellings has raised considerably the standard of comfort of the middle and lower classes. (Dublin: A Historical and Topographical Account [ ... &c.], London: Methuen 1907, p.279.)
NLI: The [National] library is entered by a spacious vestibule in the form of a horseshoe, from which a handsome double staircase leads to the lofty reading-room, also horseshoe-shaped, measuring 72 feet by 63 feet, finely lit from the high domed roof. The books and reference in common use are arranged in cases around the walls. (Samuel A. O. Fitzpatrick, Dublin: A Historical and Topographical Account of the City, NY 1907, p.332; cited in Andrew Holland, The Book of Himself: The Shakespeare Theory in Ulysses and Its Significance in the Life of James Joyce' here p.1.)
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