T[homas] Fitzpatrick
Life 1845-1912; b. Co. Down; schoolteacher; LL.D.; attached to schools of Blackrock College, Co. Dublin; St. Malachys, Belfast; Athenry, Galway, and Birr, where he became headmaster; fFiction, with national and Catholic viewpoint, The King of Claddagh: A Story of the Cromwellian Occupation of Galway (1899), on Cromwellian atrocities; as Banna Borka, Jabez Murdock (1888), concerning an early 19th c. rascally Scottish settler; history works include The Bloody Bridge and Other Papers Relating to the Insurrection of 1641; and Waterford During the Civil War, dealing with Sir Phelim ONeills rebellion and the distortions in accounts of it in Jones, Temple, Carlyle and Froude. IF DUB
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Works The King of Claddagh: A Story of the Cromwellian Occupation of Galway (Edin: Sands 1899); [as Banna Borka,] Jabez Murdock [2 vols.] (Duffy 1888), 300+335pp.; The Bloody Bridge and other papers relation to the Insurrection of 1641 (1903)
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Commentary See Fortnight, Supplement 299 (Oct 1991): These arguments [between Froude and Lecky] gave rise to a new wave of publications - such as Thomas Fitzpatricks The Bloody Bridge, which examined, among other massacres, that at the Bloody Bridge near Newcastle Co. Down - intention on establishing barbarity on one side or another. (Q. source; p.31.)
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References Belfast Public Library holds The Bloody Bridge and Other Papers of 1641 (1903); see NTRY Rebellion of 1641, AH.
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