[Rev.] Thomas Gage
Life 1595-?1655; b. Ireland, ord. Dominican while travelling in Spain; Spanish missionary in Phillipines, in 1625; and Guatemala, Central America; English American, or New Survey of the West Indies (1648, many eds., and rep.
1928), includes accounts of sourcery and voodoo; and History of Mexico; renounced Catholicism in England; A Duell between a Jesuit and a Dominican (1651); d. Kent. ODNB DIW
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References Dictionary of National Biography gives bio-data: d.1656; br. of Sir Henry (1597-1645), a Royalist; when a Spanish dominican, lived among Central American Indians of panama and Nicaragua; sailed back to England from Portobello, 1637; renounced Catholicism after a visit to Loreto, 1641; preached recantation sermon at St. Pauls (printed 1642); joined parliamentarians and became rector of Acrise, then Deal; died in Jamaica as chaplain to Venables. The English-American his Trail by Sea and Land (1648), translated into French by order of Colbert (1676); also Dutch and German; includes rules for learning Central America languages.
See also John Crone, A Concise Dictionary of Irish Biography (Dublin: Talbot 1928).
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