Lord Glenavy
Life 1851-1933 [James Henry Mussen Campbell; 1st Baron]; b. Terenure, Co. Dublin; ed. Kingstown School and TCD, where he was auditor of the Hist., 1876; bar 1878; QC, 1890; Unionist MP for St STephens Green Div., 1898-1900; Dublin University, 1903-16; Solicitor-Gen., 1901-05; Att-Gen., 1905, 1906; Lord Chief Justice, 1916-18; member of Provisional Govt. formed by Edward Carson during Home Rule agitation; Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1918-21; created Baron Glenavy, 1921; Vice-Chancellor of TCD, 1919-31; first Chairman of Free State Senate, 1922-28; acted as moderating influence on more rhetorical members of the Senate such as Yeats and Gogarty; d. 22 Mar. DIB DIH
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Belfast Public Library holds A Bunch of New Roses; husband
of Lady Glenavy, of the Arts Club and sculptor.
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Married Beatrice Moss Elvery, of the family connected with Elephant House,
Dublin; a sister, Dorothy, photographed young Samuel Beckett as an angelic
praying boy at his mothers side.
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