Lady Glenavy
Life 1883-1968 [née Beatrice Moss Elvery]; b. Dublin, dg. of the successful Wicklow St. Sports shop family; ed. Metropolitan School of Art, 1896 under Hughes, and later at the Slade Art School (London) under Tonks and Steer; became a designer, stain-glass artist, and a painter; Irish-theme works incl. oil-painting of Iosagán (1907); protegée of Sarah Purser, did work for Túr Gloine; elected RHA 1933; m. Charles Henry Gordon Campbell, 1912; mother of Patrick Gordon Campbell, 3rd Baron, humourist, and Michael Mussen Campbell, 4th Baron; Today We Will Only Gossip
(1964) is her account of life in Dublin, London and Paris; forthcoming RHA exhibition to be organised by Nicola Gordon-Bowe [1995]. BREF
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Notes James Adams Auction of Irish Art (May 2003), incls. Lady Beatrice Glenavy, Shepherd and Shepherdess, with a guide price of €25-30,000.
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