Edwin L[aurence] Godkin

1831-1902; b. Moyne, Co. Wicklow; the son of James Godkin [q.v.]; studied law at Queen’s Univ., Belfast; elected President of Lit. & Historical Soc.; studied law in London and served as Crimea correspondent for London Daily News, 1853-55; being present at the Siege of Sebastapol; also reported on Hawaii and the Philippines; issued a History of Hungary (1853); moved to America, 1856; joined New York bar, 1859; fnd. The Nation after promptings from Abolitionists, 1865, and edited it until 1899; became editor-in-chief of New York Evening Post, 1883-99 - to which he had sold The Nation in 1881; broke with the Republican and later the Democratic parties, and supported National Democratic Party which adhered to the Gold Standard idea;

supported Free Trade but opposed Women’s Suffrage; supporter Charles Stewart Parnell and Home Rule for Irealnd, though strenously opposed to the physical-force Fenian Movement; involved with Mugwump Party and the Venezuelan controversy; virulent opponent of Tammany Hall; his independence of popular opinion and castigation of politicians - including successive presidential candidates - caused Charles Dudley Warner to call The Nation ‘the weekly judgement day’; his essay “Who Will Pay the Bills for Socialism’ appeared in Forum (Vol. xvii, 1894); published The Problems of Modern Democracy (1897); awarded Hon. DCL (Oxford); the Godkin Lectures were established in his memory at Harvard in 1903; his Letters were collected in 1907. DIB DUB WIKI

Add. notes:

1.] Oswald Garrison Villard calls Edwin L. Godkin a “Master of Comment and Style” in a chapter of that title in Some Newspapers and Newspaper-men (NY: A. Knopf 1923).
2.] An annual lecture-series was been established in his memory at Harvard University (Boston, Mass.) in 1903, now hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School.
3.] E. L. Godkin’s essay ‘A Lawyer’s Objections to Home Rule’ is included in James Bryce, ed., Handbook of Home Rule, being Articles on the Irish Question by ... Gladstone ... John Morley ... Lord Thring, James Bryce ... Canon MacColl, E L. Godkin, R. Barry O’Brien; intro. by Earl Spencer [91: Ireland] (London : Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. 1887), [280pp.; 2nd edn. 1887 available at Gutenberg Project - online.]

See “Edwin L. Godkin”, in Wikipedia - online; accessed 05.06.2024.)

Justin McCarthy, gen. ed., Irish Literature (1904); selects extract from Problems of Modern Democracy.

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