[Dom] Louis Gougaud
1877-1941; Benedictine monk author of Gaelic Pioneers of Christianity [...] (1923); Christianity in Celtic Lands 1932), and other works in religious history.
Works incl.
Gaelic Pioneers of Christianity ... Irish Monks and Saints in Continental Europe, 6th to 12th Centries (Dublin: Gill 1923); Christianity in Celtic lands : a history of the churches of the Celts, their origin, their development, influence, and mutual relations, trans. from the authors MS. by Maud Joynt (London: Sheed & Ward 1932), 548pp., ill. [maps; Bibl. xvii-lv], and Do. (rep. Dublin 1992) [Emerald Isle Book 95]; Do [in French], as Les chrétientés celtiques, préface de Laurent Planchais-Lagatu (Crozon: Armeline 1995), xix, 499pp.; Devotional and Ascetic Practices in the Middle Ages (London [1927]); Les saints irlandais hors d'Irlande : étudiés dans le culte et dans la dévotion traditionnelle ()Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue 1936), xiii, 218pp.
Note: His
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