Tresham Dames Gregg
Life ?1800-1881; b. Dublin, ed. TCD, ord. 1826; powerful controversialist in extreme Protestant cause, deprived of official appointments by Bishop
Whateley for this reason, 1832; chaplain of St Nicholas-Within to his death; popular leader of Dublin Protestant democracy in the 1830s and 40s; Protestant Ascendancy Vindicated (1840); Free Thoughts on Protestant Matters (1846), and numerous tracts. DIB
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Commentary Roy Foster, Modern Ireland Modern Ireland 1600-1972 (London: Penguin 1988), pp.304 notes that Gregg's influence as leader
of the Dublin Protestant democracy in 1830s and 1840s ensured that it remained an anti-Whiggish, anti-Connellite and anti-Peelite force.
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