Victor Griffin
1924- ; b. Carnew, Co Wicklow; Anglican ministry in Derry from 1947; Dean of St. Patricks Cathedral, Dublin, 1969-91; settled in Limavady since retirement; issued Mark of Protest (1993), and autobiography, and Enough Religion to Make Us Hate (2002), reflections on religion and politics echoing an epigram by Swift.
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Works Mark of Protest (Dublin:
Gill & Macmillan 1993), 234pp. [autobiography]; Enough Religion to Make Us Hate: Reflections on Religion and Politics (1002), 112pp.
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Reference Columba Press (notice): Installed as Dean of St Patricks Cathedral, 1969; sought to have St Patricks shared by all major denominations; opposed Confessionalism and championed pluralist society; supported anti-apartheid campaign; canvassed for Mary Robinson and David Norris; opposed 1983 constitutional amendment on abortion; backed proposal to remove constitutional ban on divorce, 1986; campaigned to preserve Liberties of Dublin and renovate inner city; secured support of Charles Haughey to to safeguard St Patricks and environs.
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