Henry Harrison
Life 1867-1954; b. Hollywood, Co. Down; ed. Westminster School and Balliol Coll., Oxford; Sec. to Home Rule Group in Oxford Union; Nationalist MP for mid-Tipperary, 1890; supported Parnell and lost seat, 1892, later writing several works in defence of Parnell, viz., Parnell Vindicated, the Lifting of the Veil (1931); also Parnell, Joseph Chamberlain, and Mr Garvin (q.d.); and Parnell, Joseph Chamberlain and The Times (q.d.), and secured corrigendum to the account of the Pigott forgery in The History of the Times; took commission in Royal Irish Regt., 1915, [known thenceforth as Cpt. Harrison]; Sec. of Irish Dominion League; Irish correspondent to The Economist, 1922-27; ed. Irish Truth, 1924-27; hon. doct. (TCD), 1953. DIB DIH
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Works Parnell Vindicated, the Lifting of the Veil (1931); Ireland and the British Empire 1937 (1937); The Irish Peace Conference 1920 and its Betrayal (1921); The Neutrality of Ireland (1942 ); Conflict and Collaboration (1937); Parnell, Joseph Chamberlain and Mr. Garvin (1938) [var. 1953, called his last work DIH]; Help or Hindrance (1939); The Partition of Ireland (1939); Ulster and the British Empire (1939); The Nationality of Ireland (1942).
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Belfast Central Library holds Parnell Vindicated, the Lifting of the Veil (1931); Ireland and the British Empire 1937 (1937); The Irish Peace Conference 1920 and its Betrayal (1921); The Neutrality of Ireland (1942); Parnell, Joseph Chamberlain and Mr. Garvin (1938); The Partition of Ireland (1939); Ulster and the British Empire (1939).
Cathach Books (Cat. 1996 & 1997) lists Ireland and the British Empire, 1937: Conflict or Collaboration? A Study of Anglo-Irish Differences from the International Standpoint (London: Hale 1937), 356pp.
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