Samuel Hartlib
Life ?1600-?1667; b. Elbing, Prussia; ed. Cambridge, and seettled in England c.1628; associated with John Drury, educationalist; wrote on husbandry; publ. Gerard Boates Natural History of Ireland (1925), dedicated to Cromwell and Fleetwood, for the common good of Ireland, and more especially for the benefit of Adventurers and planters there.
d. 12 March, London. EB
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Mark Greengrass, Michael Leslie and Timothy Raylor, Samuel Hartlib and Universal Reformation, Studies in Intellectual Communication (Cambridge UP 1995), 375pp. ; Roy Foster, Modern Ireland (1988), gives bio-data incl. var. obit. 1672; see further under Boate.
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Commentary Norman Vance, Irish Literature, A Social History (Basil Blackwell 1990), p.30, remarks on Hartlibs role in encouraging Gerald Boate, and also William Bedells universal language scheme; bibl. T C bernard, The Hartlib Circle and the origins of the Dublin Philosophical Society, Irish Historical Studies 18 (1974), pp.56-71.
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