James Haynes
Life 1788-1851 [var. 1790], b. Tipperary; prominent journalist; ed. TCD; auditor of College Hist. Soc. in 1807-08; settled in London; author of several five-act tragedies in verse incl. Conscience, or The Bridal Night (1821), Durazzo (1823) and Mary Stuart (1840); d. 1851, London. PI DIW RAF
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References Brian Cleeve & Ann Brady, A Dictionary of Irish Writers (Dublin: Lilliput 1985), gives bio-data: 1790-c.1850, b. Tipperary, ed. TCD; London journalist; talented hack-writer. Cf. D. J. ODonoghue, Poets of Ireland (1912), b. 1788.
Peter Kavanagh, The Irish Theatre (Tralee: The Kerryman 1946), gives bio-data 1788-1851 and cites Conscience or The Bridal Night (DL 21 Feb. 1821; Th. Royal, Dublin 1823) 1821; Durazzo (Covent Garden Nov. 1838) 1823; Mary Stuart (Drury Lane 22 Jan 1840), all tragedies.
Patrick Rafroidi, Irish Literature in English: The Romantic Period, 1789-1850 (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1980), Vol. 2, gives bio-data: 1788-1851; b. Tipperary, ed. TCD, died nr. Norwood, London; three 5 act verse tragedies, Conscience (1821); Durazzo (1823); Mary Stuart (1840); No remarks.
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