W. M. Hennessy
Life 1829-1889 [William Maunsel]; asst. deputy keeper of Dublin Record Office; Todd Professor, RIA, 1882-84; ed. Chronicon Scotorum of Dubhaltach Mac Firbisigh (1866), being the annals compiled at Clonmacnois; ed., Annals of Loch Cé (1871), et al.; trans. Tripartite Life of St. Patrick in a version appearing in Mary Cusacks Life of St. Patrick [1871; pp. 369-502]; also wrote on Ossian. ODNB
The Book of Fenagh in Irish and English [...] Revised [...] by W. M. Hennessy [...] and done into English, by D. H. Kelly. (Supplementary volume. [Containing a catalogue of the deviations of the printed text from the manuscript original.] Edited by R. A. S. Macalister (1939) [BL].
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