Thomas Hickey

1741-1824 [fl.1788]; Thomas Hickey, painter; accompanied Lord George Macartney to China; prob. visited India; produced History of Painting and Sculpture (Calcutta 1788). ODNB

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Ann Crookshank & The Knight of Glin [Desmond Fitzgerald], Irish Portraits 1600-1860 [Catalogue] (1969), p.18-19, studied RDS; travelled, 1753-56; studied in Itlay, returned to Ireland, then to London and Bath, finally to India and China; many works in crayon; successful in small full lengths, and later Indian subjects.

W. B. Stanford, Ireland and the Classical Tradition (1984), produced in Calcutta the first vol. of a History of Painting and Sculpture from the Earliest Accounts (1788), which surveyed Greek art from the shield of Achilles as described in the Iliad down to Pliny, Pausanias, et. al.

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Hickey’s port. of Burke; Hickey later went to India, and remained there, painting colonial luminaries, and accompanying Lord Macartney on his mission to China (National Portrait Collection; see Conor Cruise O’Brien, The Great Melody).

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