Edmund [S. J.] Hogan
1831-1917 [Edmund Ignatius Hogan; Rev. Edmund Hogan, S.J.]; b. Cork, 25 Jan.; 1831; joined the Society of Jesus [S.J.] and studied at the Jesuit College, Rome; Prof. of Irish Language and History at UCD; Todd Professor of Celtic at the RIA; issued Distinguished Irishmen of the 16th Century (1894); Irish Phrase Book (1899); Onomasticon Goedelicum: An Index to Irish Names of Places and Tribes (1910), which remains the standard work on Irish placenames, largely based on John ODonovans researches; also, an account of The Irish Wolfhound ([Dublin] 1897); ed., anon., A Description of Ireland in 1598 (Dublin 1876).
ed. The Lives of St. Patrick by Tirechán (Collectanea) and by Muirchú Maccu Machtheni, formerly in Würzburg, and latterly held as MS No. 64 in Royal Library of Brussels, in Analecta Bollandiana (1881), I, p.531, one of two extant versions, the other being in the Book of Armagh; suffered from a painful eye complaint; assisted Whitley Stokes with the Tripartite Life of Patrick - and acknowl. therein; ed. Charles OKellys Macariae Excidium as Jacobite Wars in Ireland (1894, 1902) with Count Plunkett; awarded D.Litt. National University of Ireland; d. 26 Nov.; an obituary appeared in Studies (Dec. 1917). IF DIB DIW
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Works Chronological List of the Irish Members of the Society of Jesus, 1550-1814 [q.d.]; Onomasticon Goedelicum (Dublin: Hodges Figgis; London: Williams and [other] 1910) [see details], & Do. [rep. edn.] (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1993), 712pp. [index (in itals), with identifications &c.]; The Irish Phrasebook, ill. the various meanings and uses of verbs and prepositions combined, by Rev. Edmund Hogan, SJ, MRIA, Celtic Examiner RUI and RIA, Todd Professor of Celtic Languages. (Sealy Bryer & Walker n.d.)
Bibliographical details Onomasticon Goedelicum locorum et tribuum hiberniae et scotiae, an index with identifications [of] Gaelic names of placs and tribes (Dublin: Hodges Figgis; London: Williams and [other] 1910), Pref. vii-ix; list of MSS and printed sources and abbrev. xi-xiv; further adds. [addenda & corrigenda], xv-xvi; Text 696pp. in double columns. E.g. p.1, ab [examples]; abh [do.]; abha [do.]; abhann and all cognates, thus a. cailicín, stream flowing through townland of Kilmmon, Co. Clare, dividing Sliabh Eilbhe from Blakes mts., Ods [Ordnance Survey pamp] 720. NOTE two letters from Hogan on the Palaeography controversy appear in Gaelic Journal, Vol 2 [Leabr. 2] (1882-83), pp.225-26.
COPAC lists — |
- The description of Ireland, and the state thereof as it is at this present in Anno 1598: now for the first time from a manuscript preserved in Clongowes-Wood College, with copious notes and illustrations (Dublin: London: M. H. Gill, Bernard Quarich, 1878). xii, 382pp. [4º]
- Ibernia Ignatiana, seu Ibernorum Societatis Jesu Patrum Monumenta collecta, secundum annorum ordinem distributa, notis illustrata, et Sociorum elogiis aucta a P. E. Hogan. 1540-1607. tom. 1. ([Dublin], 1880. Dublin: Excudebat Societas Typographica Dubliniensis 1880), xvi, 250pp., front.[25cm].
- Patrician documents in Irish ecclesiastical Record (Dublin 1885), 14pp.; Vita sancti Patricii / auctore Muirchu Maccumachtheni et Tirechani collectanea de S. Patritio. [from Book of Armagh] Nunc primum integra ex libro Armachano ope codicis Bruxellensis edidit R.P. Edmundus Hogan S.J. Excerptum ex Analectis Bollandianis. (Bruxellis: Typis Polleunis 1882), 116p; 25cm.; Documenta de S. Patricio Hibernorum apostolo, ex Libro Armachano edidit E. Hogan. ... Excerptum ex Analectis Bollandianis. (Bruxellis, 1884) 1 v. (204pp.) [26 cm.]
- Cath Ruis na Ríg for Bóinn: with preface, translation, and indices; also a treatise on Irish neuter substantives, and a supplement to the index vocabulorum of Zeuss Grammatica celtica. By Edmund Hogan (Dublin: Pub. at the Academy house [&c., &c.] 1892), xxxii, 282pp. [Royal Irish Academy; Todd Lecture Series, Vol. 4. 1885, &c. 8º.]
- The Latin Lives of the Saints: as aids towards the translation of Irish texts and the production of an Irish dictionary, by Edmund Hogan (Dublin: Royal Irish Academy 1894);
- Distinguished Irishmen of the sixteenth century: first series (London: Burns and Oates; NY: Benzinger Brothers, 1894), ix, 506pp. [Quarterly Ser., Vol. 90.]
- The Irish Nennius from L. Na Huidre: and, Homilies and legends from L. Brecc; alphabetical index of Irish neuter substantives / by Edmund Hogan [RIA Todd lecture Ser. Vol.6] (Dublin: Royal Irish Academy 1895);
- ed., with Count Plunkett, The Jacobite war in Ireland (1688-1691) by Charles OKelly, Colonel in King Jamess army; ed. by George Noble Count Plunkett, BL, MRIA, and the Rev. Edm. Hogan, SJ, FRUI (Dublin: Sealy, Bryers & Walker 1897), 167pp., ill. [10 pls.; 17 cm.]
- Irish Phrase Book, illustrating the various meanings and uses of verbs and prepositions combined (Dublin: Sullivan Bros, 1897), 144pp.; see also A Handbook of Irish idioms (Dublin: Sealy, Bryers & Walker 1898), xv, 128pp. [19cm]
- The Irish people: their height, form and strength (Dublin: Sealy, Bryers & Walker; M. H. Gill & Son, 1899). 179pp.
- The history of the Irish Wolfdog (Dublin, Sealy, Bryers & Walker; M.H. Gill & Son, 1897), Do. [another edn.] [NY: Privately reprinted for J.A. McAleenan, 1917]; another edn. as the Irish Wolfdog [by] Edmund Hogan, S.J., 1897, and The Irish Wolfhound, [by] Capt. Graham, 1879 [reps. with Preface by R. J. May and Phyllis Gardner.] (Dublin: Irish Wolfhound Club of Ireland 1939), xiii, 256pp., ill. [pls.]; another edn. as [?1939], 10pp. of photocopies].
- Outlines of the grammar of old-Irish, with text and vocabulary (Dublin: the Gaelic League: Sealy, Bryers, and Walker 1900) [Book of Armagh; (Dublin: The Gaelic League; Sealy, Bryers, and Walker 1900), vii, 138pp. [24cm.; incls. the authors "Excerpta Hibernica ex Libre Armachano que inter documenta de vita S. Patricii:" p. 49-79.]
- Luibhleabhrán: Irish and Scottish Gaelic names of herbs, plants, trees, &c. / by F. Edmund Hogan ... John Hogan ... John C. MacErlean (Dublin, 1900); Do. [another edn.; facs.] (Cribyn, Lampeter: Llanerch Press 2007) xii, 137pp.
- Móirthimcheall Éirinn uile, dorigne Muircheartach Mac Néill / edited with translation and glossary by F. Edmund Hogan (Dublin: Gaelic League 1901).
- Onomasticon goedelicum locorum et tribuum hiberniae et scotiae: an index, with identifications, to the Gaelic names of places and tribes / by Edmund Hogan, S.J. [...] (Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co., Ltd.; London: Williams & Norgate, 1910; see also trans. by Annie Heiermeier as Die in Hogans Onomasticon Goedelicum vorkommenden keltischen Flussnamen.Sammlung und kartographische Fixierung mit einem typologischen Exkurs [1943], in Periodical Publications, Halle, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, &c. Bd. 23. 1896, &c. 8º. [See also Edmund Hogans Onomasticon Goedelicum: reconsiderations / edited by Kevin Murray and Pádraig Ó Riain [Irish Texts Society (2010: University College, Cork).]
- Three Irish glossaries: Cormacs Glossary, ODavorans Glossary, A Glossary to the Calender of Oingus the Culdee / with a prefix and index by W.S., i.e.Whitley Stokes.
Outlines of the grammar of old-Irish, with text and vocabulary.
by Edmund Hogan, Patrick.
Published in 1900, the Gaelic League: Sealy, Bryers, and Walker.
Available at Internet Archive. |
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Commentary Paul Walsh, S.J., Irish Men of Learning (1947), p.88, Father Edmund Hogan SJ in his Onomasticon Goidelicum [sic], 479a-480b, was the first to point out the correct declension of the Irish word for
Lecken, or Lecan, par. of Kilgass, b. Tireragh, Co. Sligo ... &c.
F. X. Martin, So Manie in The Very Prime and spring of their youth, manie of them heirs of the land: The Friars of the Irish Capuchin Mission in Northern France and the Low Countries 1591-1641, in Barbara Hayley & Christopher Murray, eds., Ireland and France, A Bountiful Friendship, Essays in Honour of Patrick Rafroidi (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1992), pp.7-16, cites Hogan, ed., Henry Fitzsimon, Flowers of Comfort (Dublin 1881), in which the author, who was guardian of the Irish College, Douai, entreat[s] your Paternity [the Pope] also to arrange that part of the money collected by F. Archer, all through Ireland, shall be given to the Irish College at Douay, where we have the flower of our students. Also listed in bibl.: E. Hogan, Distinguished Irishmen of the Seventeenth Century (London 1894); Hogan, ed., [anon.,] Description of Ireland, 1598 (Dublin 1878).
Cathy Swift, John ODonovan and the Framing of early Medieval Ireland in the Nineteenth Century, in Bullán, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 1994), pp.91-102: At first sight, the dept to ODonovan and his work is not evident to the casual user of Hogans Omomasticon Goedelicum, for Hogan does not differentiate in his referecnes between the occurrence of placenames in an early medievel text and the identifications made by later editors. [However] one finds that even where he cites editions by other scholars, the, in turn, frequently refer to ODonovans work as the basis for their conclusions (pp.100-01.)
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References Stephen Brown, Ireland in Fiction (Dublin: Maunsel 1919); b. nr. Queenstown, [Co. Cork]; a sketch by Douglas Hyde in Studies, Dec. 1917, with bibliography of nearly 40 items; Onomasticon Goedelicum, Battle of Rosanaree [Cath Ruis na Ríg na Bóinn], Todd Series Vol. IV (RIA 1892), xxxii, 281pp., demy 8o, text and trans., includes treatise n Irish Neuter Substantives; of Cuchulain cycle. Cf. DIB, b. Great Blasket [prob. err.];
British Library: The BL holds anon., Description of Ireland, ed. Edmund Hogan (1878).
University of Ulster Library, Morris Collection, holds [anon] The Description of Ireland, and the state thereof as it is in this present, in anno 1598 (Gill 1878)m 382pp.; The Latin Lives of the Saints, as aids towards the translation of Irish texts and production of an Irish dictionary (RIA 1894) 140p.; Onomasticon Goed[e]licum Lorcorum et Tribuum Hiberniae et Scottiae, and index, with identifications to the Gaelic names of Places and Tribes (1910); Outlines of Irish Grammar (Gaelic League, 1900).
Library of Herbert Bell (Belfast) holds A Description of Ireland in 1598 (Dublin 1876); The History of the Irish Wolfdog (Dublin 1897) [2 copies].
Hyland Books (220; 1996) lists Distinguished Irishmen of the 16th Century [1st ser.] (1894). Cathach Books (1996/97) lists The Description of Ireland, and the State Thereof as it is at Present in the Anno 1598, now for the first time published from a MS presented in Clongowes-Wood colege, with copies, Notes and Illustrations (Dublin: Gill 1878), 382pp. [£175.]
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Source-book: His edn. of Description of Ireland is an anonymous source of information for Spenser studies - viz., Gottfried, ed., Prose Works of Spenser, Variorum Ed., Vol. 10 - see Spenser > Commentary - as infra.
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