Michael Hogan
1832-1899 [Bard of Thomond]; b., Limerick, worked as wheelwright; wrote satirical poems about the Corporation; driven into exile in America for three years by domestic troubles in 1886, according to Sparling (Irish Minstrelsy, 1888; q.v.); later held small corporation post as caretaker; Light of Munster (1852); Anthems to Mary (1859); contrib. to Nation and Irishman, collected as Lays and Legends of Thomond (1865 and 1880); Shawn-a-Scoob, a verse satire founded on an old legend, published in 8 pts. at 5p. each (1868-76); election squibs; in New York in 1888, d. in Limerick. PI JMC DIB DIW DIL MKA
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Works The Story of Shawn-a-Scoop, Mayor of Limerick ... Nos. 1-4 (Dublin 1868-70); nos. 5-8 (Limerick 1871-76) [published by the author]; The Limerick Election 1880 (1880); Newest Romance of Love, Cupids adventurers between the pawnbroker and the widow of Limerick (1883), et. al.
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Criticism McKenna, Irish Literature (1978), cites Robert Herbert, A Bibl. of M H Bard of Thomond, Irish Book Lover 27 (1941), with corrections by Seamus Ó Casaidhe, Irish Book Lover, 28 (1941).
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Commentary John Hewitt reviews Frank Hamilton, The Bard of Thomond [Michael Hogan] ([1975]), in Hibernia (24 4.1975), not well written.
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References Justin McCarthy, gen. ed., Irish Literature (Washington: University of America 1904) anthologises songs, Brians Lament .., The Sarsfield Testimonial, and two others.
Cathach Books (1996/97) lists Lays and Legends of Thomond with Historical and Traditional Notes. new, Select and Complete Edition (Dublin: Gill 1880), 499pp.
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