T. A. Jackson
Life 1879-1955 [Thomas Alfred Jackson]; fndr-mbr. Communist Party of Great Britain; son of Irish compositor; Protestant nationalist and author of Ireland Her Own, An Outline History of the Irish Struggle for National Freedom and Independence (1946), arising from a members request as early as 1904; MSS drastically reduced by publisher; rep. with epilogue by Desmond Greaves (1970); his Irish library was ultimately donated to the Working Class Movt. Library by his dgs. Stella Hagan and Vivien Morton.
Works Ireland Her Own, An Outline History of the Irish Struggle for National Freedom and Independence (Cobbett Press 1946); Do., [rep. edn.] with epilogue by Desmond Greaves (London: Lawrence & Wishart 1970).
See John A. Jackson, The Irish in Britain (1963).
References Working Class Movement Library (Salford) has an Irish Collection formed around Jacksons library. This contains works of Moore, DAlton, Leyland, Smyth, Froude, Wakefield and Lecky; more than a hundred lives and studies of United Irishmen, the Fenians and Easter 1916 leaders, Wolfe Tone (Autobiography); pamphlets on Robert Emmet and Rev. Wm. Jackson; works of and on Charles Lever; R. R. Maddens The United Irishmen (3 vols. edn.); Pacata Hibernia (1623); Musgraves Rebellions in Ireland (2 vols., 1802); Clarendons Rebellions and Civil Wars in Ireland (1720); Edward Hays History of the Insurrection of the County of Wexford in 1798 (1803), and the Rev. James Gordons History of the Rebellion in Ireland (1803). [See online.]
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