Sam Slote, ‘Bibliography of Genetic Joyce’ [2008]

[updated by Ronan Crowley]

[ Source: Genetic Joyce Studies - available at ]

[ Note continuing additions and updates at GJS webpage; Latest entry 2008 in 2025. ]

[General Studies] - [ Early Works ] - [ Ulysses ]
[ Editions of Ulysses ] - [ Finnegans Wake ]

Credit is given in the original to Sam Slote, Wim Van Mierlo Ingeborg Landuyt, Geert Lernout, Ronan Crowley, Jorn Barger, Vincent Deane, Daniel Ferrer, Michael Groden, David Hayman, John Kidd, Laurent Milesi, Liesbeth Van Gool, & Katrien Verreyken. please e-mail us.


General Studies

  • Robert Martin Adams, James Joyce: Common Sense and Beyond (New York: Random House 1966).
  • Sylvia Beach, Catalogue of a Collection Containing Manuscripts and Rare Editions of James Joyce (Paris: Privately printed., 15 May 1935).
  • Jean Bellemin-Noël, Le texte et l’avant-texte. Paris: Larousse 1972.
  • ——, ‘En guise de postface: l’essayage infini.’, in Littérature 52 (December 1983), pp.123-26.
  • Pierre-Marc de Biasi, Les désarrois de l’herméneute (Le Monde, 14 Février 1997).
  • ——, ‘What is a literary Draft? Toward a Functional Typology of Genetic Documentation.’, in Yale French Studies 89 (1996), pp.26-58.
  • ——, Vers une science de la littérature. L’analyse des manuscrits et la genèse de l’oeuvre (Paris: encyclopaedia universalis 1993).
  • ——,n‘Qu’est-ce qu’un brouillon? Le cas Flaubert: essai de typologie fonctionnelle des documents de genèse’, eds. Michel Contat et Daniel Ferrer, Pourquoi la critique génétique? Méthodes, théories (Paris: CNRS Editions 1998), pp.31-60.
  • ——, ‘Paranoïa-Genèse. Remarques sur l’identité des recherches en génétique textuelle’ eds. A. Grésillon et M. Werner, Leçons d’écriture: ce que disent les manuscrits (Paris: Minard 1985), pp.259-75.
  • Frank Paul Bowman, ‘Genetic Criticism’ Poetics Today 11:3 (1990), pp.627-46.
  • Florence Callu, ‘La construction du manuscrit en objet scientifique’ Romanic Review 86/3 (May 1995), pp.451-61.
  • ——, ‘La Transmission des manuscrits’, eds. Anne Cadiot et Ch. Haffner, Les Manuscrits des Ecrivains (Paris: CNRS Editions 1993), pp.66-67.
  • ——, ‘Les collections parisiennes’ eds. M.T. Giaveri e Almuth Grésillon, I sentieri della creazione. Tracce,traiettorie, modelli (Reggio Emilia: Diabasis 1994).
  • Antoine Compagnon, ‘Introduction’ Romanic Review 86/3 (May 1995), pp.393-401.
  • Thomas E. Connolly, The Personal Library of James Joyce: A Descriptive Bibliography (Buffalo: U of BuffaloPress, 1955).
  • Michel Contat, Denis Hollier & Jacques Neefs, ‘Editors’ preface’ Yale French Studies 89 (1996), pp.1-5.
  • Raymonde Debray-Genette, ‘Génétique et poétique: le cas Flaubert.’, in Essais de Critique Génétique, ed. Louis Hay, 21-67. Paris: Flammarion 1979.
  • Jed Deppman, Daniel Ferrer, & Michael Groden, eds., Genetic Criticism: Texts and Avant-textes (Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2004).
  • Richard Ellmann, James Joyce, revised edition (New York: Oxford UP 1982).
  • Michel Espagne, ‘Quelques tendances de la philologie allemande’ Genesis 3 (1993), pp.31-44.
  • Graham Falconer, ‘Genetic Criticism’, in Comparative Literature, vol. 45, No. 1 1993), pp.1-21.
  • ——, ‘La Critique Génétique; un retour à l’histoire’, in Romanic Review 86/3 (May 1995), pp.429-36.
  • Daniel Ferrer & Michael Groden, ‘Post-genetic Joyce’ Romanic Review 86/3 (May 1995), pp.502-12.
  • Bernard Gheerbrant, James Joyce, sa vie, son oeuvre, son rayonnement (Paris: La Hune 1949). [Catalogue of an exposition on Joyce which included the manuscripts.]
  • Michael Patrick Gillespie, in verted Volumes Improperly Arranged: James Joyce and His Trieste Library (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press 1980).
  • ‘La critique génétique française: hasards et nécessités’ In I sentieri della creazione: tracce traiettorie modelli. Les sentiers de la création: traces trajectoires modèles, ed. Maria Teresa Giaveri et Almuth Grésillon (Reggio Emilia: Diabasis 1994):51-63.
  • Almuth Grésillon et Jean-Louis Lebrave, ‘Avant-propos’ Languages 69 (March 1983), pp.5-10.
  • ——, ‘Critique génétique et ’textual criticism’: une rencontre’ Romanic Review 86/3 (May 1995), pp.595-598.
  • Michael Groden, general editor; eds., Hans Walter Gabler (volumes 12-27); David Hayman and Danis Rose (volumes 28-63); A. Walton Litz (volumes 1-11), The James Joyce Archive 63 volumes (NY and London: Garland Publishing 1978-).
  • Michael Groden, James Joyce’s Manuscripts: An Index (NY and London: Garland Publishing 1980).
  • André Guyaux, ‘Génétique et philologie’. Mesure 4 (1990), pp.169-80.
  • ——, ‘Los Significativos Garabatos de Joyce’, in Quimera: Revista de literatura 6 (April 1981), pp.32-34. [Complete issue reprinted as El Archivo de James Joyce (Barcelona: Montesinos 1981); the article was translated into French as ‘Les Gribouillages significatifs de Joyce’, trans. Juan Marey. Europe 657-658 (Jan.-Feb. 1984), pp.96-99.]
  • ——, ‘Review of James Joyce: Letters, Manuscripts, and Photographs at Southern Illinois University , ed. Steven Lund’, in Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography 7.4 (1983), pp.262-264.
  • ——, ‘A Textual and Publishing History’, eds., Zack Bowen & James F. Carens, A Companion to Joyce Studies (Westport: Greenwood 1984) 71-128.
  • ——, ‘Library Collections of Joyce Manuscripts’, eds., Zack Bowen & James F. Carens, A Companion to Joyce Studies (Westport: Greenwood 1984) 783-85.
  • Louis Hay, ‘Le texte n’existe pas. Réflexions sur la critique génétique.’, in Poetique 62 (1985), pp.147-158.
  • Louis Hay, ‘La critique génétique: origines et perspectives’ Essais de critique génétique (Paris: Flammarion 1979):227-236.
  • Louis Hay, ‘Historicité de la genèse’ Les sentiers de la création: traces trajectoires modèles, ed. Maria Teresa Giaveri et Almuth Grésillon (Reggio Emilia: Diabasis 1994):65-76.
  • ‘D’un grand Art Nouveau: la recherche’ In Essais de critique génétique, ed. Louis Hay, 5-19. Paris: Flammarion 1979.
  • David Hayman & Sam Slote, eds. Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce. European Joyce Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995.
  • ——, ‘Genetic Criticism and Joyce: an introduction’, in Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce, ed. David Hayman and Sam Slote, 3-18. Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995.
  • Phillip F. Herring, ‘ The James Joyce Archive’, in JJQ 19.1 (1981), pp.85-97.
  • Laurent Jenny, ‘Genetic Criticism and its Myths’, in Yale French Studies 89 (1996), pp.9-25.
  • ——, ‘L’enfance de l’oeuvre. Divagations généticiennes’ (Le Monde, 20 Décembre 1996)
  • ——, ‘La stratégie de la Forme.’, in Poétique 27(1976): v257-81.
  • Steve Lake, ‘Wyndham Lewis’, Akzente 32:4 (1985), pp.300-20.
  • Jean-Louis Lebrave, ‘La critique génétique: une discipline nouvelle ou un avatar moderne de la philologie?’ Genesis 1(1992), pp.33-50.
  • ——, ‘Lecture et analyse des brouillons.’, in Langages 69 (March 1983), pp.11-23.
  • ——, ‘Penser, dicter, écrire: pour une histoire des pratiques de composition.’, in Romanic Review 86/3 (May 1995), pp.438-50.
  • Geert Lernout, ‘La critique textuelle anglo-américaine: une étude de cas.’, in Genesis 9(1996), pp.45-64.
  • Jean Levaillant, Ecriture et génétique textuelle. Valéry à l’oeuvre (Lille: Presses universitaires de Lille 1982.), pp.11-24.
  • A. Walton Litz, The Art of James Joyce (New York: Oxford UP 1961).
  • ——, ‘Evolution of James Joyce’s Style and Technique from 1918-1932’, Ph.D. dissertation, Oxford University 1954.
  • Steven Lund, ed., James Joyce: Letters, Manuscripts, and Photographs at Southern Illinois University (Springfield: Southern Illinois UP 1983).
  • James McLaverty, ‘The Concept of Authorial Intention in Textual Criticism’ (The Library, Volume VI nr. 2, June 1984), pp.121-38.
  • ——, ‘The Mode of Existence of Literary Works of Art: The Case of the Dunciad Variorum ’ (Studies in bibliography, Volume 37 1934), pp.82-105.
  • Jacques Neefs, ‘A Selected Bibliography of Genetic Criticism’ Yale French Studies 89 (1996), pp.265-72.
  • Dave Oliphant & Thomas Zigal, eds., Joyce at Texas. Essays on the James Joyce Material at the Humanities Research Center. (Austin: U of TexasPress, 1983).
  • Claude Pichois, ‘La tradition française de l’édition critique’ Romanic Review 86/3 (May 1995), pp.571-580.
  • Michel Pierssens, ‘French Genetic Studies at a Crossroads’ Poetics Today 11:3 (1990), pp.617-625.
  • Joseph Prescott, Two Manuscripts by Paul Léon concerning James Joyce (Modern Fiction Studies, Volume II nr. 2, May 1956) 71-76.
  • Judith Robinson-Valéry, ‘The ’Rough’ and the ’Polished’’ Yale French Studies 89 (1996), pp.60-66.
  • Robert E. Scholes, The Cornell Joyce Collection: A Catalogue (Ithaca: Cornell UP 1961).
  • R.J. Schork, Latin and Roman Culture in Joyce (Gainesville: University Press of Florida,  1997).
  • ——, Greek and Hellenic Culture in Joyce (Gainesville: University Press of Florida 1998).
  • Peter Spielberg, James Joyce’s Manuscripts and Letters at the University of Buffalo: A Catalogue (Buffalo: U of BuffaloPress, 1962).
  • Dirk Van Hulle. Textual Awareness: A Genetic Study of Late Manuscripts by Joyce, Proust, and Mann . (Ann Arbor: U of MichiganPress, 2004).

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Early Works

  • Robert M. Adams, ‘Light on Joyce’s Exiles ? A new manuscript, a curious analogue, and some speculations’, in Studies in Bibliography, XVII (1964), pp.83-105.
  • ——, ‘The Manuscript of James Joyce’s Play’, in Yale University Library Gazette 39 (1964), pp.30-41.
  • ——, ‘A Very Pretty Piece of Protocol, Mr. Ellmann’ [review of Giacomo Joyce ] JJQ 5 (1968), pp.229-31.
  • Chester G. Anderson, ‘James Joyce’s ’Tilly,’’ PMLA LXXIII (1958), pp.285-298.
  • ——, ‘The Text of James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 65 (1964), pp.160-200.
  • ——, ‘Animus Toward Robert Adams’ New Book Explained’ [review of James Joyce: Common Sense and Beyond ] JJQ 5 (1968), pp.245-56.
  • ——, Paul A. Doyle, ‘Joyce’s Miscellaneous Verse’, in JJQ 2 (1965), pp.90-96 and JJQ 5 (1967), pp.71.
  • Hans Walter Gabler, ‘Toward a Critical Text of James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974), pp.1-53.
  • ——, ‘The Christmas Dinner Scene, Parnell’s Death and the Genesis of A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man’, in JJQ 13.1 (1975), pp.27-38.
  • ——, ‘The Seven Lost Years of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, eds., Thomas F. Staley & Bernard Benstock, Approaches to Joyce’s ‘Portrait’: Ten Essays (Pittsburgh: U of PittsburghPress, 1976) 25-60.
  • Claude Jacquet,ed., ‘Genèse et métaphoroses du texte joycien.’, in JJLS: 8.
  • Claus Melchior, ‘Stephen Hero’: Textentstehung und Text. Eine Untersuchung der Kompositions- und Arbeitsweise des frühen James Joyce (München: Dissertation 1987).
  • Jean Noel, ‘De quelques épiphanies de James Joyce, dans le contexte du manuscrit ’Cornell 17,’’ Claude Jacquet, ed. Genèse et metamorphoses du texte joycien (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne 1985). 3-24.
  • Danis Rose & John O’Hanlon, ‘The Origin of Dubliners’, in JSA 1993 (1993), pp.178-84.
  • Robert Scholes, ‘Some Observations on the Text of Dubliners’, Studies in Bibliography 15 (1962), pp.191-205.
  • ——, ‘Further Observations on the Text of Dubliners’, Studies in Bibliography 17 (1964), pp.107-22.
  • Robert Scholes & Richard M. Kain, ‘The First Version of Joyce’s ’Portrait,’’ Yale Review 49 (1960), pp.355-69.
  • ——, The Workshop of Daedalus (Evanston: Northwestern UP 1965).
  • O.A. Silverman, ed., Joyce’s Epiphanies (Buffalo: Lockwood Memorial Library 1956). 

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  • Robert M Adams, Surface and Symbol: The Consistency of James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ (New York: Random House 1962).
  • Mauricio D. Aguilera Linde, Carlyle in Ulysses (Spanish James Joyce Society ‘Papers on Joyce’, N° 3 1997)
  • Silvio Benco, ‘James Joyce in Trieste’, in The Bookman LXXII (1930), pp.375-80.
  • Udo Benzenhöfer, ‘Joyce and Embryology: Giulio Valenti’s Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia As a Source for ’Oxen of the Sun,’’ JJQ 26.4 (1989), pp.608-611.
  • Jackson Bryer, ‘Joyce, Ulysses, and The Little Review’, South Atlantic Quarterly 66 (1967), pp.148-64.
  • Frank Budgen, James Joyce and the Making of ‘Ulysses’ (London: Oxford UP 1972).
  • James V.D. Card, ‘A Textual and Critical Study of the ’Penelope’ Episode of James Joyce’s Ulysses’, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University 1964.
  • ——, ‘The Misleading Mr. McAlmon and Joyce’s Typescript’, in JJQ 7.2 (1970), pp.143-46.
  • ——, An Anatomy of ’Penelope’ (Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson U.P.; London & Toronto: Associated U.P. 1984).
  • Lynn Childress, ‘The Missing ’Cicones’ Episode of Ulysses’, in JJQ 33.1 (1995), pp.69-82.
  • Jack Dalton, ‘The Text of Ulysses’, ed., Fritz Senn, New Light on Joyce (Bloomington: Indiana UP 1972) 99-19.
  • Gregory M. Downing, ‘Richard Chenevix Trench and Joyce’s Historical Study of Words’, in Joyce Studies Annual 1998 (1998), pp.37-68.
  • Clive Driver, ‘Ulysses’, the Manuscript and First Printings Compared (London: Faber & Faber; New York: Octagon; Philadelphia: The Philip H. & A.S.W. Rosenbach Foundation 1975).
  • Daniel Ferrer, ‘Archéologie du regard dans les avant-textes de ’Circe,’’ Claude Jacquet, ed., James Joyce 1: ‘Scribble’ 1: Genèse des textes (Paris: Revue des Lettres Modernes 1988) 95-106.
  • ——, ‘Joyce aux marges du roman’, eds., Daniel Ferrer, Claude Jacquet & André Topia, ‘Ulysse’ à l’article (Paris: Du Lérot 1991).
  • ——, ‘Dolce prospettiva, Roman or Renaissance Perspective in Ulysses’, ed., Claude Jacquet & Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Scribble’3: Joyce et l’Italie (Paris: Lettres Modernes 1994).
  • ——, ‘Reflections on a Discarded Set of Proofs’, eds., David Hayman & Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 49-63.
  • ——, Introduction and notes to Ulisse, James Joyce II (Paris: Galliamard-Pléiade 1995).
  • ——, ‘‘Practise preaching’: variantes pragmatiques et prédication suspendue dans un manuscrit des ‘Sirènes’, eds., Daniel
    Ferrer & Claude Jacquet, Writing its own wrunes for ever (Tusson: Du Lérot 1998), pp.11-43.
  • ——, ‘What Song the Sirens Sang … Is No Longer Beyond All Conjecture: A Preliminary Description of the New ’Proteus’ and ’Sirens’ Manuscripts’, in JJQ 39.1 (2001), pp. 54-56.
  • Daniel Ferrer, Claude Jacquet & André Topia eds., ‘Ulysse’ à l’article (Paris: Du Lérot 1991).
  • Hans Walter Gabler, Review of ‘ Ulysses’: A Facsimile of the Manuscript, The Library 32 (1977), pp.177-82.
  • ——, The Rocky Road to Ulysses (Dublin: National Library of Ireland, 2005).
  • Philip Gaskell , Review of ‘ Ulysses’: A Facsimile of the Manuscript, TLS (June 25 1976), pp.803.
  • -. ‘Joyce, ’Ulysses,’ 1922’, From Writer to Reader (Oxford: Oxford UP 1978).
  • Arnold Goldman, ‘Two New Ulysses Working Drafts’, in JSA 12 (2001), pp.3-9.
  • ——, ‘Notes on the New Joyce Manuscripts’, in JSA 14 (2003), pp.3-4.
  • Roy Gottfried., ‘’Le point doit être plus visible,’ The Texas Page Proofs of Ulysses’, eds., David Oliphant and Thomas Zigal, Joyce at Texas (Austin: Humanities Research Center, University of Texas Press 1983). 13-27.
  • Michael Groden, ‘’Cyclops’ in Progress 1919’, in JJQ 12.1-2 (1974) 123-68.
  • ——, ‘Toward a Corrected Text of Ulysses’, in JJQ 13.1 (1975), pp.49-52.
  • ——, ‘Ulysses’ in Progress (Princeton: Princeton UP 1977).
  • ——, ‘Review of Joyce’s Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses: Selections from the Buffalo Collection , ed., Phillip F. Herring’ JJQ 16.3 (1979), pp.365-372.
  • ——, ‘Review of The Lost Notebook: New Evidence on the Genesis of ’Ulysses’ edited by Danis Rose & John O’Hanlon’, in JJQ 28.2 (1991), pp.535-539.
  • ——, ‘Wandering in the Avant-texte: Joyce’s ’Cyclops’ Copybook Revisited’, Hugh Witemeyer, ed., The Future of Modernism (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1997), pp.181-99.
  • ——, ‘Perplex in the Pen - and in the Pixels: Reflections on The James Joyce Archive, Hans Walter Gabler’s Ulysses , and James Joyce’s Ulysses in Hypermedia’, in Journal of Modern Literature 22.2 (Winter 1998-99), pp.225-44.
  • ——, ‘The National Library of Ireland’s New Joyce Manuscripts: A Statement and Document Descriptions’, in JJQ 39.1 (2001), pp.40-42.
  • ——, ‘The National Library of Ireland’s New Joyce Manuscripts: An Outline and Archive Comparisons’, in JSA 14 (2003), pp.5-17.
  • ——, ‘The National Library of Ireland’s New Joyce Manuscripts: A Narrative and Document Summaries’, in Journal of Modern Literature 26.1 (2002) [published March 2004]: 1-16.
  • ——, ‘’Proceeding Energetically From the Unknown to the Known’: Looking Again at the Genetic Texts and Documents for Joyce’s Ulysses’, in Variants 4 (2005), pp.183-95.
  • R.G. Hampson, ‘Toft’s Cumbersome Whirligig’: Hallucinations, Theatricality and Mnemotechnic in V.A.19 and the First Edition Text of ’Circe,’’ ed., Andrew Gibson, Reading Joyce’s ’Circe’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994) 143-78.
  • David Hayman, ‘A De-simplified Heart: Flaubert Through Joyce’, eds., Reingard M. Nischik and Barbara Korte, Modes of Narrative (Wurtzburg: Komigshausen & Neumann 1990).
  • Phillip F. Herring, ‘ Ulysses Notesheet VIII.A.5 at Buffalo’, in Studies in Bibliography 22 (1969), pp.287-310.
  • ——, ‘The Bedsteadfastness of Molly Bloom’, in Modern Fiction Studies 15 (1969), pp.49-61.
  • ——, Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ Notesheets in the British Museum (Charlottesville: Virginia UP 1972).
  • ——, Joyce’s Notes and Early Drafts for ’ Ulysses’ (Charlottesville: Virginia UP 1977).
  • Phillip F. Herring & Norman Silverstein, ‘Some Corrections and Additions to Norman Silverstein’s ’Magic on the Notesheets of the Circe Episode,’’ JJQ 2.4 (1965), pp.217-226.
  • Robert E. Hurley, ‘The ’Proteus’ Episode of James Joyce’s Ulysses’, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University 1963.
  • Claude Jacquet, ‘Les plans de Joyce pour Ulysse’, eds., Louis Bonnerot, Jacques Aubert & Claude Jacquet, ‘Ulysses’: Cinquante ans après. Témoignages franco-anglais sur le chef-d’oeuvre de James Joyce (Paris: Didier 1979) 45-82.
  • ——, ‘Métamorphoses de ’Circé,’’ eds., Jacques Aubert & Fritz Senn, James Joyce (Paris: Herne 1985) 384-99.
  • ——, ‘Les mensonges d’’Eumée’: Une esthétique de la confusion’, ed., Claude Jacquet, James Joyce 1: ‘Scribble’ 1: Genèse des textes (Paris: Revue des Lettres Modernes 1988) 107-20.
  • Robert Janusko, ‘The Sources and Structure of the ’Oxen of the Sun’ Episode of James Joyce’s Ulysses’, Ph.D. dissertation, Kent State University 1967.
  • ——, The Sources and Structures of James Joyce’s ‘Oxen’.  (UMI Research  Press 1983)
  • ——,’Another Anthology in the ’Oxen’: Barnett and Dale’s Anthology of  English Prose’,  JJQ 27.2 (1990), pp.257-81.
  • ——,’Yet Another Anthology in ’Oxen’:  Murison’s Selections’,  JSA 1990 (1990), pp.117-31.
  • ——,’A Grave Beauty: Joyce’s Newman’,  JJQ  28.3 (1991), pp.617-621.
  • ——, ‘From Seymour to Bannan and Out: A Metamorphosis in Draft’, in JJQ 29.2 (1992), pp.393-97.
  • Valery Larbaud, ‘The Ulysses of James Joyce’, in Criterion I (October 1922), T.S. Eliot, trans.: 94-103.
  • A. Walton Litz, Review of ‘Ulysses’: A Facsimile of the Manuscript, JJQ 14 (1976), pp.101-111.
  • ——, ‘Early Vestiges of Joyce’s Ulysses’, in PMLA 71 (March 1956), pp.51-60.
  • ——, ‘Joyce’s Notes for the Last Episodes of Ulysses’, in Modern Fiction Studies IV (Spring 1958), pp.3-20.
  • Monique Lojkine-Morelec, ‘Aspects de l’intertextualité dans les manuscrits de The Waste Land, Ulysses, ’Dirge’ et ’Death by Water,’’ Claude Jacquet, ed. Genèse et metamorphoses du texte joycien (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne 1985). 211-22.
  • Richard E. Madtes, ‘A Textual and Critical Study of the ’Ithaca’ Episode of James Joyce’s Ulysses’, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University 1961.
  • ——, ‘Joyce and the Building of ’Ithaca,’’ ELH XXXI (1964), pp.443-59.
  • ——, The ’Ithaca’ Chapter of Joyce’s Ulysses (Epping: Bowker 1983).
  • Sue Murphy, ‘Conservation Treatment for the Final Page Proofs of James Joyce’s Ulysses’, in JSA 1991 (1991), pp.257-264.
  • Rodney Wilson Owen, ‘James Joyce and the Beginnings of Ulysses’, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Kansas 1980.
  • ——, James Joyce and the Beginnings of ‘Ulysses’, Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press 1983.
  • Joseph Prescott, ’James Joyce’s Ulysses as a Work in Progress’, Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University 1944.
  • ——, ‘Stylistic Realism in Ulysses’, Marvin Magalaner, ed., A James Joyce Miscellany (Second Series) (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 1959), pp.15-66.
  • Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Le noeud gordien de ’Pénélope,’’ ed., Claude Jacquet, James Joyce 1: ‘Scribble’ 1: Genèse des textes . (Paris: Revue des Lettres Modernes 1988) 121-41.
  • ——, ‘’Thank Maurice’: A Note About Maurice Darantiere’, in JSA 1991 (1991), pp.245-51.
  • Danis Rose & John O’Hanlon, The Lost Notebook (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press 1989).
  • Myron Schwartman, ‘The V.A.8 Copybook: An Early Draft on the ’Cyclops’ Chapter of Ulysses with Notes on Its Development’, in JJQ 12.1-2 (1974), pp.64-122.
  • Bonnie Kime Scott, ‘Rodney Wilson Owen: James Joyce and the Beginnings of ’Ulysses,’’ JJB 14 (June 1984), pp.3.
  • Norman Silverstein, Joyce’s ‘Circe’ Episode: Approaches to ‘Ulysses’ through a Textual and Interpretative Study of Joyce’s Fifteenth Chapter, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University: 1960.
  • ——, ‘Magic on the Notesheets of the Circe Episode’, in JJQ 1.1 (1964), pp.19-26.
  • ——, ‘Evolution of the Nighttown Setting’, Maurice Harmon, ed., The Celtic Master: Contributions to the first James Joyce Symposium held in Dublin 1967 (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1969), pp.27-36.
  • ——, ‘Toward a Corrected Text of Ulysses’, JJQ 6.4 (1969), pp.348-356.
  • Sam Slote, ‘Preliminary Comments on Two Newly Discovered Ulysses Manuscripts’, in JJQ 39.1 (2001), pp.17-28.
  • ——, Ulysses in the Plural: The Variable Editions of Joyce’s Novel (Dublin: National Library of Ireland, 2004).
  • Wolfhard Steppe, ‘The Merry Greeks (with a Farewell to epicleti’, in JJQ 32.3-4 (Spring Summer 1995), pp.597-617.
  • Richard Watson, ‘The Provenance of the Final Corrected Page Proofs of James Joyce’s Ulysses’, JSA 1991 (1991), pp.251-57.

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Editions of Ulysses

  • Eyall Amiran, ‘Rhetorics of Stimulation and the 1984 Ulysses’, Studies in the Novel XXII.2 (1990), pp.142-47.
  • Bruce Arnold, The Scandal of ‘Ulysses’ (London: Sinclair-Stevenson 1991).
  • Bernard Benstock, ‘ Ulysses: The Gospel According to Gabler’, in Irish Literary Supplement 4 (1985), pp.23-24.
  • ——, ‘ Ulysses: How Many Texts Are There In It?’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 1-6.
  • Edward L. Bishop, ‘The “Garbled History” of the First-edition Ulysses’, Joyce Studies Annual 1998 (1998), pp.3-36.
  • Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli, ‘Joyce the Scribe and the Right Hand Reader’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 7-15.
  • Zack Bowen, ‘Review of Gabler’s Ulysses’, The Journal of Irish Literature 14 (1985), pp.53-54.
  • Marius Buning, ‘ Ulysses’s Textual Homecoming’, in Dutch Quarterly Review 16.2 (1986), pp.145-52.
  • Ronald Bush, ‘Review of Gabler’s Ulysses’, Huntington Library Quarterly 48 (1985), pp.187-94.
  • Giovanni Cianci, ‘Typography Underrated: A Note on ’Aeolus,’’ eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 16-21.
  • Carla de Petris, ‘On Mondadori’s Telemachia’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 22-27.
  • Richard Ellmann, ‘The Big Word in Ulysses’, NYRB (25 October 1984), pp.30-31.
  • ——, ‘The New Ulysses’, Georgia Review 40 (1986), pp.548-556.
  • ——, ‘A Crux in the New Edition of Ulysses’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 28-34.
  • Christine Froula, ‘The Adventures of Ulysses’, in Yale Review 74 (1985), pp.454-66.
  • Wilhelm Füger, ‘Unanswered Questions About a Questionable Answer’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 35-42.
  • Hans Walter Gabler, ‘Werkentstehung und Textsituation des Ulysses’, ed., Therese Fischer-Seidel, James Joyce ‘Ulysses.’ Neuere deutsche Aufsätze (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag 1977) 58-79.
  • ——, ‘And Now: Ulysses as James Joyce Wrote It: Working on a Critical Edition’, in German Research: Reports of the the DFG (1979), pp.25-26.
  • ——, ‘Preface.’ ‘ Ulysses’: Prototype of a Critical Edition in Progress (Munich: 1979) i-vii.
  • ——, ‘Critical Edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses and Finnegans Wake’, in Computers and the Humanities 13.4 (1979), pp.351.
  • ——, ‘Computer-aided Critical Edition of Ulysses’, ALLC Bulletin 8 (1981), pp.232-248.
  • ——, ‘James Joyce as Author and Scribe: A Problem in Editing ’Eumaeus,’’ Nordic Rejoycings 1982 (Stockholm: The James Joyce Society of Sweden and Finland 1982) 98-105.
  • ——, ‘The Synchrony and Diachrony of Texts: Practice and Theory of the Critical Edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses’, Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship 1 (1981, published in 1984), pp.305-26.
  • ——, ‘The Text as Process and the Problem of Intentionality’, in Text 3 (1987):
  • ——, ‘Joyce’s Text in Progress’, in Texte: Revue de Critique et de théorie littéraire 7 (1988), pp.227-247. also appears in Derek Attridge, ed., The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1990), pp.213-236.
  • ——, Letter, TLS (1-7 July 1988), pp.733.
  • ——, Letter, TLS (12-18 August 1988), pp.883.
  • ——, Letter, NYRB (18 August 1988), pp.63.
  • ——, Letter, TLS (16-22 December 1988), pp.1395.
  • ——, ‘Position Statement’, in JJLS 3 (Fall 1989), pp.3-5.
  • ——, ‘Naissance de l’édition: de l’ordinateur comme sage-femme’, ed., Louis Hay, La naissance du texte (Paris: José Corti 1989) 53-62.
  • ——, ‘A Response to: John Kidd, ’Errors of Execution in the 1984 Ulysses ,’’ Studies in the Novel XXII.2 (1990), pp.250-256. [Originally delivered at the Society for Textual Scholarship on 26 April 1985.]
  • ——, ‘Textual Studies and Criticism’, ed., Paul Eggert, Editing in Australia (Occasional Paper No. 17, English Department, University College ADFA, Canberra 1990). [Also published in New Directions in Textual Studies , eds. Dave Oliphant & Robin Bradford (Austin: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center 1990).]
  • ——, ‘’ Ulysses’: A Review of Three Texts: Proposals for Alterations to the Texts of 1922 1961, & 1984 , by Philip Gaskel & Clive Hart’, in JJQ 28.2 (1991), pp.523-29.
  • ——, ‘Letters’, in JJQ 28.4 (1991), pp.1017-1021.
  • ——, ‘What Ulysses Requires’, in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 87 (June 1993), pp.187-248.
  • Hans Walter Gabler, with Wolfhard Steppe & Claus Melchior, eds., Ulysses: A Critical and Synoptic Edition, 3 volumes (NY and London: Garland 1984 & 1986).
  • Philip Gaskell & Clive Hart, ‘Ulysses’: A Review of Three Texts: Proposals for Alterations to the Texts of 1922 1961, and 1984 (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1989).
  • Michael Patrick Gillespie, ‘Why Does One Re-Read Ulysses ?’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu and Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 43-57.
  • ——, ‘The Finnegans Wake Approach to Ulysses’, Irish Literary Supplement 4 (1985), pp.36.
  • Arnold Goldman, ‘Editorial Procedures: ‘Ulysses’: The Text’, JJLS 3 (Fall 1989), pp.10-11.
  • ——, ‘Joyce’s Ulysses as Work in Progress: The Controversy and its Implications’, in Journal of Modern Literature XV.4 (1989), pp.579-588.
  • Willard Goodwin, ‘’A Very Pretty Picture M. Matisse But You Must Not Call It Joyce’: The Making of the Limited Editions Club Ulysses . With Lewis Daniel’s Unpublished Ulysses Illustrations’, in Joyce Studies Annual 1999 (1999), pp.85-103.
  • Richard J. Goy, Letters ’The Reader’s Edition of Ulysses ’, TLS 18.07 (1997)
  • Michael Groden, ‘Editing Joyce’s Ulysses: An International Effort’, in Scholarly Publishing, XII.1 (1980), pp.37-54. [Reprinted in Scholarly Publishing in an Era of Change, ed., Ethel G. Langlois (Minneapolis: Washington Society for Scholarly Publications 1980).]
  • ——, ‘Ulysses in Progress’ (Princeton New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1977)
  • ——, ‘Foostering Over Those Changes: The New Ulysses’, JJQ 22.2 (1985), pp.137-59.
  • ——, Letter, TLS (7-13 October 1988), pp.1109, 1132.
  • ——, Letter, NYRB (December 8 1988), pp.61.
  • ——, Letter, NYRB (February 2 1989), pp.45.
  • ——, ‘A Response to John Kidd’s ’An Inquiry into Ulysses: The Corrected Text,’’ JJQ 28.1 (1990), pp.81-110.
  • ——, ‘Afterword’ to Ulysses , ed. Hans Walter Gabler (London: Bodley Head 1993) 647-57.
  • Antony Hammond, Untitled review of Gabler’s Ulysses , The Library , 6th series 8 (1986), pp.382-90.
  • Clive Hart, ‘Art Thou Real, My Ideal?’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 58-65.
  • ——, Untitled review of Kidd, ‘An Inquiry into Ulysses: The Corrected Text’, in TLS (November 17-22 1989):1279.
  • Philip Harvey, Letters ’The Reader’s Edition of Ulysses ’, TLS 1.08 (1997)
  • David Hayman, ‘Balancing the Book, Or Pro and Contra the Gabler Ulysses’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 66-85.
  • Suzette Henke, ‘Reconstructing Ulysses in a Deconstructive Mode’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 86-91.
  • Jeri Johnson, ‘Introduction’, ‘Ulysses’, the 1922 Text , ed. Jeri Johnson, Oxford: Oxford UP 1993. ix-lvi.
  • Stephen Joyce, TLS (September 9-15), pp.989.
  • ——, Letter, TLS (June 6-27-1997)
  • Richard M. Kain, ‘Dublin 1904’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 92-110.
  • Hugh Kenner, ‘The Computerized Ulysses’, in Harper’s (April 1980), pp.89-95.
  • ——, ‘Leopold’s Bloom Restored’, in TLS (July 13 1984), pp.771-772.
  • ——, ‘Reflections on the Gabler Era’, in JJQ 26.1 (1988), pp.11-20.
  • John Kidd, ‘Gaelic in the New Ulysses’, Irish Literary Supplement 4 (Fall 1985), pp.41-42.
  • ——, ‘The Genetic Joyce: A Retrospective Review’, in JJLS 1.2 (1987), pp.11.
  • ——, ‘Proof Fever: John Kidd Rallies Dissent Against the 1984 Ulysses’, in JJB 25 (1988), pp.1.
  • ——, Interview with Renee Montaigne, ’All Things Considered’, National Public Radio (US), 20 June 1988.
  • ——, ‘The Scandal of Ulysses’, in NY Review of Books (30 June 1988), pp.32-39.
  • ——, Letter, NYRB (18 August 1988), pp.64-65.
  • ——, Letter, NYRB (29 September 1988), pp.81-83.
  • ——, Letter, TLS (21-27 October 1988), pp.1175.
  • ——, Letter, NYRB (30 March 1989), pp.45.
  • ——, ‘An Inquiry into Ulysses: the Corrected Text’, Papers of the Bibliographic Society of America , 82.4 (December 1988; published June 1989), pp.411-584. Also issued as a monograph of the James Joyce Research Centre, Boston University 1989. Also issued as an ‘Electronic Version’ compiled by David M. Seaman on 3 1/2 inch disk in WordPerfect 5.0.
  • ——, ‘Establishing a Ulysses Text’, in JJLS 3 (Fall 1989), pp.6-7.
  • ——, ‘Gabler’s Errors in Context: A Reply to Michael Groden on Editing Ulysses’, JJQ 28.1 (1990), pp.111-51.
  • ——, ‘The Context of the First Salvo in the Joyce Wars’, in Studies in the Novel 22.2 (1990), pp.237-42.
  • ——, ‘Errors of Execution in the 1984 Ulysses’, Studies in the Novel 22.2 (1990), pp.243-249. [Originally presented to the Society for Textual Scholarship, 26 April 1985.]
  • ——, ‘A Catechism for the Ulysses Repair Kit’, in JJLS 5.2 (1991), pp.12-15.
  • ——, ‘Making the Wrong Joyce’ (review Ulysses: A Reader’s Edition ed. Danis Rose) NYBR 25.09 (1997)
  • Jean Kimball, ‘Love and Death in Ulysses: ’Word Known to all Men,’’ JJQ 24.2 (1987), pp.143-160.
  • ——, ‘Love in the Kidd Era: An Afterword’, in JJQ , 29.2 (1992) 369-377.
  • Eric Korn, ‘Words known to all men’ (review ‘ Ulysses’ ed. Danis Rose) TLS 5.9 (1997)
  • Geert Lernout, ‘Gabler’s Ulysses’, in Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire 64.3 (1986), pp.650-657.
  • ——, ‘The Real ’Scandal of Ulysses, ’’ Netherlands Society for English Studies 2.2 (1992), pp.34-35. [Reprinted in The European English Messenger 2.1 (1993), pp.47.]
  • ——, ‘Anglo-American Textual Criticism and the case of Hans Walter Gabler’s Edition of Ulysses .’, in Genesis 9 (1996), pp.45-65.
  • Morton Levitt, ‘Editorial’, in Journal of Modern Literature XV.1 (1988; appeared in June 1989), pp.3-6.
  • Marvin Magalaner, ‘Review of Gabler’s Ulysses’, MFS 31 (1985), pp.782-84.
  • Vicki Mahaffey, ‘Intentional Error: The Paradox of Editing Joyce’s Ulysses’, ed., George Bornstein, Representing Modernist Texts: Editing as Interpretation (Ann Arbor: U of MichiganPress, 1991) 171-91.
  • Carla Marengo Vaglio, ‘Italics in Ulysses’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 111-121.
  • Jerome McGann, ‘ Ulysses as Postmodern Text: The Gabler Edition’, in Criticism 27 (Summer 1985), pp.283-305.
  • Patrick McGee, ‘Is There A Class For This Text? The New Ulysses, Jerome McGann, and the Issue of Textual Authority’, in Works and Days V.2 (1987), pp.27-44.
  • ——, ‘The Error of Theory’, in Studies in the Novel 22.2 (1990), pp.148-62.
  • D. F. McKenzie, ‘The Dialectics of Bibliography’, in Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts (London: The British Library 1986).
  • Ira Nadel, ‘The New Ulysses’, in Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook (1984), pp.47-52.
  • ——, ‘Textual Criticism, Literary Theory and the New Ulysses’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 122-139.
  • John T. Noonan, NYRB (February 14,1985), pp.41. [Identifies Thomas Aquinas as the source of the Latin in the inserted ‘love passage.’]
  • John O’Hanlon, Letter, NYRB (29 September 1988), pp.80-81.
  • Mary O’Toole, ‘Miami in February: A Report on the Conerence’, in JJQ 26.3 (Spring 1989), pp.417-24.
  • Patrick Parrinder, ‘From Telemachus to Penelope: Episodes Anonymous?’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 140-148.
  • Charles Peake, ‘Some Critical Comments on the ’Telemachia’ in the 1984 Ulysses’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986).149-170.
  • Paola Pugliatti, ‘Il nuovo Ulysses e la critica del testo’, in Strumenti critici N.S 1.2 (1986), pp.187-24.
  • ——, ‘The New Ulysses between Philology, Semiotics and Textual Genetics’, in Dispositio XII.30-32 (1987), pp.113-40.
  • ——, ‘Who’s Afraid of the 1984 Ulysses ?’, in JJQ 27.1 (1989), pp.41-53.
  • Lawrence Rainy, ‘How Molly Bloom Got Her Apostrophes’ (review Ulysses, ed. Danis Rose) LRB 19.06 (1997)
  • Danis Rose, ‘Irish and/or Gaelic in the New Ulysses’, Irish Literary Supplement 5 (Spring 1986), pp.30-31.
  • ——, Letters (‘The Reader’s Edition of Ulysses’), in TLS (11.07.1997)
  • ——, Letters’ (‘The Reader’s Edition of Ulysses’), in TLS (25.07.1997)
  • Charles Rossman, ‘The New Ulysses: The Hidden Controversy’, in NYRB (8 December 1988), pp.53-58.
  • ——, ‘The Critical Reception of the Gabler Ulysses: or Gabler’s Ulysses Kidd-napped’, in Studies in the Novel 21.2 (1989), pp.154-181.
  • ——, ‘A Metacommentary on the Rhetoric of Reviewing the Reviewers: Paul Eggert on the New Editions of Ulysses and Women in Love’, D.H. Lawrence Review 21.2 (Summer 1989), pp.219-22.
  • ——, ‘Notes on the ’Production’ of Ulysses’, in JJLS 3 (1989), pp.8-9.
  • ——, ‘A Reply to Michael Patrick Gillespie’, in Studies in the Novel 22.2 (1990), pp.231-36.
  • ——, ‘The Critical Reception of the Gabler Ulysses: or Gabler’s Ulysses Kidd-napped., Part Two’, in Studies in the Novel 22.3 (1990), pp.323-353.
  • John Ryder, ‘Editing Ulysses Typographically’, in Scholarly Publishing 18 (January 1987), pp.108-24
  • C.G. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, eds. Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986).
  • C.G. Sandulescu, ‘Curios of Signs I Am Here to Rede!’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 171-87.
  • Peter du Sautoy, TLS (July 8-14 1988), pp.755.
  • ——, TLS (September 9-15 1988), pp.989.
  • ——, ‘Editing Ulysses: A Personal Account’, in JJQ 27.1 (1989), pp.69-76. [Reply to Shattuck & Alden.]
  • Peter du Sautoy & Clive Hart, NYRB (19 Jan. 1989), pp.58.
  • Carol Shloss, Untitled Review of Sandulescu & Hart, JJQ 25.4 (1988), pp.395-401.
  • Bonnie Kime Scott, ed., ‘The New Edition of Ulysses: An Assessment of Its Usefulness One Year Later’, in New Alliances in Joyce Studies (Newark: U of DelawarePress, 1988).
  • David Seed., ‘ Ulysses: The Evolution of a Definitive Text’, in Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 8 (1984), pp.173-183.
  • Fritz Senn, ‘ Ulysses Between Corruption and Correction’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 188-206.
  • ——, ‘Editiorial Joyces’, in JJLS 1.1 (May 1987), pp.16.
  • ——, ‘Inherent Delicacy: Eumaean Questions’, in Studies in the Novel 22.2 (1990), pp.179-86.
  • ——, ‘May I Trespass on Your Valuable Space? Bruce Arnold: The Scandal of ’ Ulysses’: A Postscript’, in JJLS 5.2 (1991), pp.5.
  • Wolfgang Steppe, ‘Reply to Pugliatti’s ’Who’s afraid of the 1984 Ulysses ?,’’ JJQ 27.1 (1989) 55-68.
  • ——, ‘Appendicits; or the Scandal Transformed. A Letter SUPPRESSED by The NY Review of Books ’ (Lustheim: self-published. 1988).
  • Sean Sweeney, Letters ’Re-publishing J ames Joyce ’, TLS 19.02 (1993)
  • Francisco Garcia Tortosa, ‘ Ulysses in Spanish’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 207-13.
  • Donald Philip Verene, ‘The 1922 and 1984 Editions: Some Philosophical Considerations’, eds., G.C. Sandulescu & Clive Hart, Assessing the 1984 ‘Ulysses’ (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). 214-17.
  • Daniel Zalewski, ‘Scanners’ Lingua Franca 6/6 (September/October 1996), pp.10-11.

[ top ]

Finnegans Wake

  • ‘Entretiens avec Jacques Aubert’ l’Âne, le magazine freudien Vol.6 (1982), pp.5-7.
  • James S. Atherton, The Books at the Wake (New York: Viking 1959; expanded 1974).
  • Jacques Aubert, ‘Breton Proverbs in Notebook VI.B.14’, in AWN 15.6 (1978), pp.86-89.
  • ——, ‘From History to Memoires: Joyce’s Chateaubriand as Celtic Palimpsestor’, in JSA 1991 (1991), pp.177-200.
  • ——, ‘Notes on the French Element in Finnegans Wake ’ JJQ 5 (1968), pp.110-124.
  • Jorn Barger, ‘A Preliminary Stratigraphy of ’Scribbledehobble,’’ ed., Andrew Treip, ‘Finnegans Wake’: ’ teems of times’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994). 127-37.
  • [Most of Jorn’s work has not appeared in print. Some of his findings appear on his homepage: IQ Infinity: The Unknown James Joyce. He is also a frequent contributor to the FWAKE-L e-mail list and his postings have been archived for downloading.]
  • Christopher J. Bjork, ‘’Sinted Sageness’: Some Sources for Kevin in Finnegans Wake’, eds., David Hayman and Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 85-100.
  • Sheldon Brivic, ‘Review of The ‘Wake’ in Transit by David Hayman’, in Journal of Modern Lit. XVIII.2-3 (Spring 1993), pp.284.
  • Richard Brown, ‘The Missing Typescripts of Finnegans Wake’, AFWC 4.1 (1988), pp.1-18.
  • T.J. Brown, ‘ Finnegans Wake’, in British Museum Quarterly 17 (1952), pp.4-5.
  • Bernard Brun, ‘Proust et Joyce, à leur manière’, ed. Claude Jacquet, Genèse de Babel (Paris: CNRS 1985). 217-225.
  • Bill Cadbury, ‘The Development of the ’Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Witness’ Testimony in I.4’, eds., David Hayman & Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 203-254.
  • ——, ‘Sequence and Authority in Some transition Typescripts and Proofs’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.159-88.
  • [Bill is also a frequent contributor to the FWAKE-L e-mail list and his postings have been archived for downloading.]
  • David J. Califf, ‘Clones and Mutations: A Genetic Look at ’Dave the Dancekerl,’’ eds., David Hayman & Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 123-147.
  • Thomas E. Connolly, Scribbledehobble (Evanston: Northwestern UP 1961).
  • Luca Crispi, ‘ReCollecting Joyce at Buffalo: Revising and Completing the Catalog’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.13-26.
  • Valerie Cunningham, ‘Cryptogenetics or Cryptogenics?’, in JJB 36 (October 1991), pp.1-2.
  • Jack Dalton, ‘Re ’Kiswahili words in Finnegans Wake ’ by Philipp Wolff.’, in AWN (old series) 12 (1963), pp.6-10.
  • ——, ‘I Say It’s Spinach-’Watch!’’, in AWN (old series) 17 (1963), pp.11.
  • ——, ‘Habemus Dominationis’, in JJQ 1.2 (1964), pp.10-14.
  • ——, ‘Hardest Crux’, in JJQ 1.3 (1964), pp.45-49.
  • ——, ‘Sources: a Cautionary Tale’, in JJQ 6.1 (Fall 1968), pp.96-97.
  • ——, ‘Advertisement For the Restoration’, in Twelve and a Tilly: Occaion on the 25th Anniversary of ‘Finnegans Wake’, ed. Jack P. Dalton & Clive Hart (Evanston: Northwestern UP 1966) 119-137.
  • ——, ‘Late Historical Events, Again’, in AWN VI.6 (1969), pp.91-92.
  • Vincent Deane, ‘Editorial’, in AFWC 1.1 (1985), pp.1.
  • ——, ‘ Romano Lavo-Lil Revisited’, in AFWC 1.2 (1985), pp.41-42.
  • ——, ‘Killaloe’, in AFWC 3.1 (1987), pp.11.
  • ——, ‘Claybook for Finnegans Wake’, in AFWC 3.2 (1987), pp.21-39.
  • ——, ‘Conventions for Notebook Transcriptions’, in AFWC 3.3 (1988), pp.41-42.
  • ——, ‘ Les Langues du Monde in VI.B.45’, in AFWC 3.4 (1988), pp.61-74.
  • ——, ‘ Samson the Nazarite in VI.B.32’, in AFWC 4.3 (1989), pp.51-55.
  • ——, ‘ The Green Pastures in VI.B.33’, in AFWC 4.3 (1989), pp.56-60.
  • ——, ‘Boudeville’, in AFWC 4.4 (1989), pp.74.
  • ——, ‘HCE and the Fall of Pelagius’, ed., Geert Lernout, ‘Finnegans Wake’: Fifty Years (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1990). 109-123.
  • ——, ‘Song Hoard: Four Indexes’, in AFWC 6 (1990-1991), pp.12-40.
  • ——, ‘The Wellspring of the Saints: J.M. Flood in B.3’, in AFWC 7 (1991-1992), pp.1-27.
  • ——, ‘Greek Gifts: Ulysses into Fox in VI.B.10’, in JSA 1994 (1994), pp.163-175.
  • ——, ‘Bywaters and the Original Crime’, ed., Andrew Treip, ‘Finnegans Wake’: ’ teems of times’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994). 165-204.
  • ——, ‘Looking after the Sense: Taking Stock of Joyce’s English.’, in A Collideorscape of Joyce. Festschrift For Fritz Senn. Ed. Ruth Frehner & Ursula Zeller. Dublin: lilliput 1998: 375-97.
  • Vincent Deane & Roland McHugh, ‘Theatrical Terms in VI.B.44’, in AFWC 1.3 (1986), pp.60-67.
  • ——, ‘Robert’s Proverbs of Wales’, AFWC 4.2 (1988), pp.32-35.
  • Jed Deppman, ‘Hallow’d Chronickles and Exploytes of King Rodericke O’Conor from Joyce’s Earliest Draftes to the End of Causal Historie’, eds., David Hayman & Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 179-202.
  • ——, ‘The Lord’s Prayer, Joyce, and Vico’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.65-82.
  • Henry Edelheit, ‘Reflections on ’Scribbledehobble,’’ Analyst 24 (1965), pp.2-4.
  • Bernd Engelhart. ‘’... or Ivan Slavansky Slavar’ ( FW 355.11), pp.The Integration of Slavonic Languages into Finnegans Wake’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.135-144.
  • Daniel Ferrer, ‘La scène primitive de l’écriture, une lecture joycienne de Freud’, Claude Jacquet, ed Genèse de Babel, Joyce et la création (Paris: CNRS 1985). 15-35.
  • ——, ‘Hemingway aux sources de la Liffey’, Claude Jacquet, ed. Genèse et metamorphoses du texte joycien (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne 1985). 223-228.
  • ——, ‘The Freudful Couchmare of /\d: Joyce’s Notes on Freud and the Composition of Chapter XVI of Finnegans Wake’, in JJQ 22.4 (1985), pp.367-382. [A modified version of Ferrer 1985a.]
  • ——, ‘Le texte sur sa reserve: d’un usage inouï de la citation chez Joyce’, ed., L. Le Bouille, L’ente et la chimere, aspects de la citation dans la littérature anglaise (Caen: Centre de Publications de l’’Université de Caen,1986).
  • ——, ‘Écritures de la Folie: James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner’, Ph.d. dissertation, Universite de Paris VIII 1987.
  • ——, ‘Fantasmes de l’écriture: James Joyce, Virginia Woolf’, in Tropismes 3 (1987).
  • ——, ‘Les carnets de Joyce: avant-textes limites d’une oeuvre limite’, in Genesis 3 (1993), pp.45-61.
  • ——, ‘Joyce’s Notebooks: Publicizing the Private Sphere of Writing’, ed., W. Gould, Modernist Writers in the Marketplace (London: Macmillan 1995) forthcoming.
  • ——,’Opening up the avant-textes’, in James Joyce Broadsheet 43(1996), pp.1.
  • ——, ‘The Straat That Is Called Corkscrewed: Hypertext and the Devious Ways of Wakean Genetics’, ed., Sam Slote and Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.185-88.
  • Daniel Ferrer & Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Paragraphes en expansion’, ed., L. Hay, De la lettre au livre: sémiotique des manuscrits litteraires (Paris: Éditions du CNRS 1989).
  • Daniel Ferrer & Claude Jacquet, eds., Writing its own wrunes for ever (Tusson: Du Lérot 1998).
  • Finn Fordham, ‘Sigla in Revision’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.83-96.
  • ——,’Mapping Echoland’, in Joyce Studies Annual 2000 (2000), pp.167-201.
  • The FWAKE-L e-mail list archives.
  • Hans Walter Gabler, ‘Review of Danis Rose’s The Textual Diaries of James Joyce’, JJQ 33.4 (Summer 1996), pp.621-625.
  • Adaline Glasheen, ‘Oscar Wilde in Scribbledehobble’, in AWN (old series) 15 (1963), pp.4.
  • Paul Gleason, ‘Dante, Joyce, Beckett, and the Use of Memory in the Process of Literary Creation’, in Joyce Studies Annual 1999 (1999), pp.104-142.
  • J. Carnero Gonzáles, ‘Notes toward a Reading Proposal: WP and FW’, Papers on Joyce 1 (1995), pp..
  • Clive Hart, ‘Notes on the Text of Finnegans Wake’, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology LIX (1960), pp.229-239.
  • David Hayman, Joyce et Mallarmé, 2 volumes (Paris: Minard 1956).
  • ——, ‘Dramatic Motion in Finnegans Wake’, Texas Studies in English XXXVII (1958), pp.155-76.
  • ——, ‘From Finnegans Wake: a Sentence in Progress’, in PMLA LXIII (March 1958), pp.136-54.
  • ——, A First-Draft Version of ‘Finnegans Wake ’ (Austin: U of TexasPress, 1963).
  • ——, ‘A List of Corrections for the Scribbledehobble’, in JJQ 1.2 (Winter 1964), pp.23-29.
  • ——, ‘Tristan and Isolde in Finnegans Wake: A Study of the Sources and Evolution of a Theme’, in Comparative Literature Studies 1 (1964), pp.95-102.
  • ——, ‘The Distribution of the Tristam and Isolde Notes under ’Exiles’ in the Scribbledehobble’, in AWN 2 (October 1965), pp.3-14.
  • ——, ‘Pound at the Wake’, in JJQ 2.3 (1965), pp.204-216.
  • ——, ‘’Scribbledehobbles’ and How They Grew’, in Twelve and a Tilly: Essays on the Occaion on the 25th Anniversary of ‘Finnegans Wake’, ed. Jack P. Dalton and Clive Hart (Evanston: Northwestern UP 1966) 107-118.
  • ——, ‘Nodality and the Infra-Structure of Finnegans Wake’, in JJQ 16 (Fall 1978-Winter 1979), pp.135-149.
  • ——, ‘Shadow of His Mind: The Papers of Lucia Joyce’, eds., David Oliphant & Thomas Zigal, Joyce at Texas (Austin: Humanities Research Center, University of Texas Press 1983) 65-79 [also in Morris Beja et al , eds., James Joyce: The Centennial Symposium (Urbana: U of IllinoisPress, 1986) 193-206.]
  • ——, ‘Some French Connections’, in JJQ 25.1 (1987), pp.133-43.
  • ——, ‘Reading Joyce’s Notebooks?! Finnegans Wake From Within’, ed., Geert Lernout, , ‘Finnegans Wake’: Fifty Years (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1990).
  • ——,. The ‘Wake’ in Transit (Ithaca: Cornell UP 1990). 7-22.
  • ——, ‘Toward a Postflaubertian Joyce’, eds., Claude Jacquet & André Topia, James Joyce 2: ‘Scribble’2: Joyce et Flaubert (Paris: Revue des Lettres Modernes 1990) 13-32.
  • ——, ‘I Think Her Pretty: Reflections of the Familiar in Joyce’s Notebook VI.B.5’, in JSA 1990 (1990), pp.43-60.
  • ——, ‘Transiting the Wake: a Response to Danis Rose’, in JJQ 29.2 (1991), pp.411-419.
  • ——, ‘Dreaming Up the Wake’, ed., John Harty, James Joyce’s ‘Finnegans Wake’: A Casebook. (NY & London: Garland 1991) 13-21.
  • ——, ‘ James Joyce: ’Scribble’ I: Genèse des textes , edited by Claude Jacquet’, in JJQ 28.4 (1991), pp.998-1000.
  • ——, ‘Substantial Time: The Temporalities of Mamalujo’, ed., Andrew Treip, ‘Finnegans Wake’: ’ teems of times’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994). 95-105.
  • ——, ‘Genetic Criticism and Joyce: An Introduction’, eds., David Hayman & Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 3-18.
  • ——, ‘To Make a List: Two Preparatory Puzzles on the Threshold of Book III’, eds., David Hayman & Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 255-79.
  • ——, ‘’The pilsener had the baar’: HCE’s Sorry Case’, in Papers on Joyce 1 (1995), pp.39-51.
  • ——, ‘Dr. J. Collins looks at J.J.: the Invention of Shaun’, in Joyce and Popular Culture , ed. Brandon Kershner, Gainesville: Florida UP 1996.
  • ——, ‘The Manystorytold of the Wake: How Narrative was Made to Inform the Non-Narrativity of the Night’, Joyce Studies Annual 8 (1997), pp.81-114.
  • ——, ‘Dr J. Collins Looks at J.J. The invention of a Shaun for I.7’, eds., Daniel Ferrer & Claude Jacquet, Writing its own wrunes for ever (Tusson: Du Lérot 1998), pp.119-50.
  • ——, ‘Epiphanoiding’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.27-42.
  • David Hayman & Sam Slote, eds., Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995).
  • Fred Higginson, ‘Notes on the Text of Finnegans Wake’, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 55 (1956), pp.451-56.
  • ——, Anna Livia Plurabelle: The Making of a Chapter (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1960).
  • ——, ‘The Text of Finnegans Wake’, ed., Fritz Senn, New Light on Joyce (Bloomington: Indiana UP 1972) 120-30.
  • M. J. C. Hodgart ‘The Earliest Sections of Finnegans Wake’ (James Joyce Review - Volume 1 nr. 1 1957) 3-18.
  • ——, ‘Work in Progress’ (The Cambridge Journal - Volume VI nr. 1 1952) 23-39.
  • Claude Jacquet, Joyce et Rabelais (Paris: Didier 1972).
  • ——, ‘Bisquebasque: le Basque dans le Carnet VI.B.46 et dans Finnegans Wake’, in Études anglaises, XXXV.3 (July-September 1982), pp.311-316.
  • ——, ‘Aspects de la genèse de Finnegans Wake: Anna Livia Plurabelle ou les métamorphoses du texte’, ed. Claude Jacquet, Genèse de Babel (Paris: CNRS 1985). 93-154.
  • ——, ‘Valises ou chimères: du langage universel dans les manuscrits de Finnegans Wake’, eds., Althmuth Grésillon & Michael Werner, Leçons d’écriture: Ce que disent les manuscrits: En hommage à Louis Hay (Paris: Lettres Modernes-Minard 1985) 129-139.
  • ——, ‘In the buginning is the woid: James Joyce and Genetic Criticism’, ed., Geert Lernout, ‘Finnegans Wake’: Fifty Years (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1990). 23-35.
  • Claude Jacquet, ed. Genèse et metamorphoses du texte joycien (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne 1985).
  • ——, Genèse de Babel: Joyce et la création (Paris: Éditions du CNRS 1985).
  • -. James Joyce 1: ‘Scribble’ 1: Genèse des textes (Paris: Revue des Lettres Modernes 1988).
  • -.Bisquebasque: le Basque dans le Carnet VI.B.46 et dans Finnegans Wake (Paris: Etudes anglaises 1982), pp.311-16.
  • Claude Jacquet & André Topia eds. ‘Scribble’ 2: Joyce et Flaubert (Paris: Revue des Lettres Modernes 1990).
  • John V. Kelleher, ‘Identifying the Irish Printed Sources for Finnegans Wake’ (Irish University Review, Volume 1 nr. 1 1971) 161-177.
  • Suzanne Kim, ‘Imaginaire de l’espace: éléments onomastiques et toponymiques’, ed. Claude Jacquet, Genèse de Babel (Paris: CNRS 1985). 37-47.
  • Carole Brown Knuth, ‘Brockendootsch and the Case of Ginger’, in AFWC 2.3 (1987), pp.49-55.
  • Leo Knuth, ‘Some Notes on Malay Elements in Finnegans Wake’, in AWN V.4 (1968), pp.51-63.
  • ——, ‘Dutch in Finnegans Wake Holograph Workbooks VI.B.22 & VI.B.26’, in JJQ 7.3 (1970), pp.218-28.
  • ——, ‘Dutch in Finnegans Wake’, in AWN 8.2 (1971), pp.24-32; 8.3 (1971), pp.35-45; 8.4 (1971), pp.54-62.
  • ——, ‘Letters to the Editor’, in JJQ 23.4 (1985), pp.511-18.
  • Ingeborg Landuyt, ‘Shaun and His Post: La poste et les moyens de communication in VI.B. 16’, in Papers on Joyce 3 (1997), pp.21-48.
  • ——, ‘Shaun and His Post: La poste et les moyens de communication in VI.B.16’, Papers on Joyce 3 (1997), pp.21-48.
  • ——, ‘Tale Told of Shem: Some Elements at the Inception of FW I.7’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.115-34.
  • Ingeborg Landuyt & Geert Lernout, ‘Joyce’s Sources: Les grandes fleuves historiques’, in JSA 6 (1995), pp.99-138.
  • Geert Lernout, ed. ‘Finnegans Wake’: Fifty Years (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1990).
  • Geert Lernout, ‘Dutch in Finnegans Wake’, in JJQ 23.1 (1985), pp.45-66.
  • ——, ‘’God Bless Your Ginger,’’ AFWC 3.1 (1987), pp.1-6.
  • ——, ‘Bulgen horesies, wollan indulgencies and a flemsh. The Language-battle in Finnegans Wake’, in Kruispunt 107 (1987), pp.60-74.
  • ——, ‘In the Beginning was Genesis’, in JJLS 2.2 (1988), pp.20.
  • ——, ‘Singing Walking Gent: Sim Reeves in VI.B.13’, in AFWC 3.3 (1988), pp.43-52.
  • ——, ‘ Finnegans Wake: The Limits of Interpretation’, eds., Pierre Michel & Eric Lee, Papers: 1987-1988 (Liège: Département d’anglais 1989) 57-66.
  • ——, ‘ Woman the Inspirer’, in AFWC 6 (1990-1991), pp.[1994], 1-11.
  • ——, ‘Litters from Aloft’, in JJLS 5.2 (1991) 3-4.
  • ——, ‘Review of The ‘Wake’ in Transit by David Hayman’, in JJB 37 (February 1992), pp.3.
  • ——, ‘James Joyce & Fritz Mauthner & Samuel Beckett’, ed., Friedhelm Rathjen, in Principle, Beckett is Joyce (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press 1994) 21-27.
  • ——, ‘Time and the Wakean Person’, ed., Andrew Treip, ‘Finnegans Wake’:’teems of times’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994). 119-25.
  • ——, ‘The Finnegans Wake Notebooks and Radical Philology’, eds., David Hayman and Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 19-48.
  • ——, ‘Further Notes toward a Reading Proposal: Work in Progress and Finnegans Wake’, in Papers on Joyce 2 (1996), pp.35-40.
  • ——, ‘And yes i said yes Fritz but’. A Collideorscape of Joyce. Festschrift For Fritz Senn. Ed. Ruth Frehner and Ursula Zeller. Dublin: lilliput 1998: 294-305.
  • Geert Lernout & Vincent Deane, ‘O’Casey and Blake: Two VI.B.13 Indexes’, in AFWC 4.2 (1988), pp.21-31.
  • A. Walton Litz, ‘The Genesis of Finnegans Wake’, in Notes and Queries LXLVIII (October 1953), pp.445-47.
  • ——, ‘The Evolution of Joyce’s Anna Livia Plurabelle’, in Philological Quarterly XXXVI (January 1957), pp.36-48.
  • ——, ‘Joyce’s Notes for the Last Episode of Ulysses’, in Modern Fiction Studies IV (1958), pp.3-20.
  • ——, ‘Uses of the Finnegans Wake Manuscripts’, in Twelve and a Tilly: Essays on the Occaion on the 25th Anniversary of ‘Finnegans Wake’, ed. Jack P. Dalton & Clive Hart (Evanston: Northwestern UP 1966) 99-106.
  • ——, ‘The Making of Finnegans Wake’, ed., Marvin Magalaner, AJames Joyce Miscellany , Second series (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP 1959) 209-23.
  • Ian MacArthur, ‘A Note on the Dummy’, in AWN XII.5 (1975), pp.96-97.
  • ——, ‘A Textual Study of III.4’, in AWN XIII.1 (1976), pp.3-8.
  • ——, ‘A Textual Study of III.3’, in AWN XIII.3 (1976), pp.43-48; XIII.5 (1976), pp.85-92.
  • ——, ‘The Self Archetype in FW’, in AWN XIV.1 (1977), pp.3-5.
  • ——, ‘Butt and Taff-A Textual Study’, in AWN XIV.1 (1977), pp.5-8.
  • ——, ‘The F Sigla’, in AWN XV.4 (1978), pp.58.
  • ——, ‘Mutant Units in the C Notebooks’, in AFWC 2.4 (1987), pp.76-77.
  • Roland McHugh, ‘A Structural Theory of Finnegans Wake’, in AWN V.6 (1968), pp.83.
  • ——, ‘The Pelagian Heresy’, in AWN VII.2 (1970), pp.28-29.
  • ——, ‘Chronology of the Buffalo Notebooks’, in AWN IX.2 (1972), pp.19-31; IX.3 (1972).
  • ——, ‘A Structural Theory of Finnegans Wake Revisited’, in AWN XIII.5 (1976), pp.94-95.
  • ——, The Sigla of ‘Finnegans Wake’ (London: Edward Arnold 1976).
  • ——, ‘Eatwords’, in AWN XIV.1 (1977), pp.9.
  • ——, ‘Review of The Index Manuscript: ‘Finnegans Wake’ Holograph Workbook VI.B.46, by Danis Rose’, in AWN XV.2 (1978), pp.35.
  • ——, ‘Mohammad in Notebook VI.B.31’, in AWN XVI.4 (1979), pp.51-58.
  • ——, ‘Semisigns of His Zooteach (IV)’, in AWN XVI.4 (1979), pp.62.
  • ——, The ’ Finnegans Wake’ Experience (Berkeley: U of CaliforniaPress, 1981).
  • ——, ‘Angelic Wisdom’, in AFWC 1.1 (1985), pp.2-4.
  • ——, ‘Protevangelium’, in AFWC 1.1 (1985), pp.20.
  • ——, ‘Dean Kinane in VI.B.14’, in AFWC (1985), pp.21-33.
  • ——, ‘Jespersen’s Language in Notebooks VI.B.2 and VI.C.2’, in AFWC 2.4 (1987), pp.61-71.
  • ——, ‘Gibbon in VI.A’, in AFWC 3.4 (1988), pp.77-78.
  • Laurent Milesi, ‘L’idiome babelien de Finnegans Wake’, ed. Claude Jacquet, Genèse de Babel (Paris: CNRS 1985). 155-213.
  • ——, ‘From the Notebooks to the Text: Discovering New Languages’, in AFWC I.4 (Summer 1986), pp.79-84.
  • ——, ‘Vico... Jousse. Joyce.. Langue’, Claude Jacquet, ed., James Joyce 1: ‘Scribble’ 1: Genèse des textes (Paris: Revue des Lettres Modernes 1988). 143-62.
  • ——, ‘Towards a Female Grammar of Sexuality: The De/Recomposition of ’Storiella as she is syung,’’ Modern Fiction Studies 35.3 (Autumn 1989), pp.569-86.
  • ——, ‘Metaphors of the Quest in Finnegans Wake’, ed., Geert Lernout, ‘Finnegans Wake’: Fifty Years (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1990). 79-107.
  • ——, ‘La variante joycienne et perecquienne: Etudes contrastives’, eds., Daniel Ferrer and Jean-Louis Lebrave, L’écriture et ses doubles: Genese et variation textuelle (Paris: Éditions de C.N.R.S. 1991) 175-213.
  • ——, ‘The Perversions of ’Aerse’ and the Anglo-Irish Middle Voice in Finnegans Wake’, in JSA 1993 (1993), pp.98-118.
  • ——, ‘Killing Lewis with Einstein: ’Secting Time’ in Finnegans Wake’, ed., Andrew Treip, ‘Finnegans Wake’: ’ teems of times’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994). 9-20.
  • ——, ‘Italian Studies in Musical Grammar’, ed., Claude Jacquet and Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Scribble’3: Joyce et l’Italie (Paris: Lettres Modernes 1994) 105-153.
  • ——, ‘In-Law and Out- Lex: Some Linguistic Aspects of ‘Barbarity’ and Nationalism in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake’, Papers on Joyce 3 (1997), pp.57-71.
  • ——, ‘Supplementing Babel: Paget in VI.B.32’, in AFWC (1996) forthcoming.
  • ——, ‘Fumbling for One Continuous Integument: the Poetics of Composition of Work in Progress’ ed., Daniel Ferrer and Claude Jacquet, Writing its own wrunes for ever (Tusson: Du Lérot 1998), pp.45-81.
  • Margot Norris, The Decentered Universe of ‘Finnegans Wake’ (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP 1976).
  • Riana O’Dwyer, ‘Euro pro nobis... (FW 228.26)’, in JJLS 5.2 (1991), pp.23.
  • Charles Peake, ‘Yet Another Look at the Wake’, ed., Claude Jacquet, Genèse et metamorphoses du texte joycien (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne 1985). 125-144.
  • Rosella Pezone & Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘James Joyce: Notes dactylographiées sur Vico’, ed., Claude Jacquet & Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Scribble’3: Joyce et l’Italie (Paris: Lettres Modernes 1994) 221-24.
  • Joseph Presscott, ‘Concerning the Genesis of Finnegans Wake’, in PMLA LXIX (1954), pp.1300-02.
  • Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Lapsus ex Machina’, in Poétique . 26 (1976), pp.152-172. [A revised version appears in Rabaté 1991, 112-133.]
  • ——, ‘Pour un cryptogénétique de l’idiolecte joycien’, ed. Claude Jacquet, Genèse de Babel (Paris: CNRS 1985). 49-91. [A revised version appears in Rabaté 1991, 69-111.]
  • ——, ‘Joyce, les lèvres circoncises’, eds., Althmuth Grésillon & Michael Werner, Leçons d’écriture: Ce que disent les manuscrits: En hommage à Louis Hay (Paris: Lettres Modernes-Minard 1985) 107-28.
  • ——, ‘Narratology and the Subject of Finnegans Wake’, eds., Morris Beja et al , James Joyce: The Centennial Symposium (Urbana: U of IllinoisPress, 1986) 137-46.
  • ——, Joyce Upon the Void (London: Macmillan 1991).
  • ——, ‘Back to Beria! Genetic Joyce and Eco’s ’Ideal Readers,’ eds., David Hayman & Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 65-83.
  • Thomas Jackson Rice, ‘ James Joyce A Guide to Research’ (NY & London: Garland Publishing, in c. 1982)
  • Danis Rose, ‘Corrections to Jacquet’s Joyce et Rabelais’, in AWN XIII.6 (1976) 106-08.
  • ——, ‘Breton in /\a/b’, in AWN XV.6 (1978), pp.90-92.
  • ——, James Joyce’s ‘The Index Manuscript’: ‘Finnegans Wake’ Holograph Workbook VI.B.46 (Colchester: A Wake Newslitter Press 1978).
  • ——, ‘More on 1916’, in AWN XVI.4 (1979), pp.59.
  • ——, Chapters of Coming Forth by Day (Colchester: A Wake Newslitter Press 1982).
  • ——, ‘Kells-Dublin-Rome-Trieste-Zürich-Paris’, in AFWC 2.1 (1986), pp.1-13.
  • ——, ‘Clodd One and Two: Corrigenda and Addenda’, in AFWC 3.3 (1988), pp.53-56.
  • ——, ‘The Beginning of all Thisorder of Work in Progress’, in JJQ 28.4 (1990), pp.957-65. [A review of Hayman’s The ‘Wake’ in Transit. ]
  • ——, The Textual Diaries of James Joyce (Dublin: Lilliput Press 1995).
  • Danis Rose & Vincent Deane, ‘Clodd in VI.B.49.b’, in AFWC 3.3 (1988), pp.57-60.
  • Danis Rose & John O’Hanlon, ‘Origin of the Handwriting ‘B’ (Scribal) Notation in Buffalo Notebook VI.A. (Scribbledehobble)’, in AWN XVI.1 (1979), pp.3-8.
  • ——, ‘Constructing Finnegans Wake: Three Indexes’, in AWN XVIII.1 (1980), pp.3-15.
  • ——, Understanding ‘Finnegans Wake’ (New York: Garland 1982).
  • ——, ‘Norman Douglas Guess Where’, in AFWC 1.4 (1986), pp.85-92.
  • ——, ‘The Name of the Book’, in AFWC 4.3 (Spring 1989), pp.41-50.
  • ——, ‘A Nice Beginning: On the Ulysses / Finnegans Wake Interface’, ed., Geert Lernout, ‘Finnegans Wake’: Fifty Years (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1990). 165-73.
  • ——, ‘Ireland and James Joyce’, in JSA 1992 (1992), pp.3-31.
  • Danis Rose, John O’Hanlon & Vincent Deane, ‘Moore at the Wake’, AFWC 5 (1989-1990), pp.1-40.
  • Peter du Sautoy, ‘The Published Text’, in AWN IV.5 (1967), pp.98.
  • Petr Skrabanek, ‘St. Patrick’s Nightmare Confession’, in AFWC 1.1 (1985), pp.5-20.
  • ——, ‘29 Pacifettes (470.36f)’, in AFWC 1.2 (1985), pp.33-37.
  • ——, ‘Notes on ’29 Death Words’ (499.05f)’, in AFWC 1.2 (1985), pp.38-41.
  • ——, ‘Notes on Armenian in Finnegans Wake’, in AFWC 1.3 (1986), pp.45-58.
  • ——, ‘Notes on Ruthenian in II.3’, in AFWC 2.2 (1986), pp.23-28.
  • ——, ‘Cushitic Cant: Kant in Afar’, in AFWC 2.4 (1987), pp.72-75.
  • ——, ‘Anna’s Ainu’, in AFWC 3.1 (1987), pp.7-10.
  • ——, ‘Cunniform Letters’, in AFWC 3.4 (1988), pp.75-76.
  • ——, ‘Book Review: Scribble’, AFWC 4.1 (1988), pp.19-20.
  • Luigi Schenoni, ‘’Amaro’ in Finnegans Wake’, in AWN XI.4 (1974), pp.68-70.
  • Beryl Schlossman, ‘Tristan and Isolde or the Triangles of Desire: Jealousy, Eroticism and Poetics’, eds., David Hayman & Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 149-78.
  • R.J. Schork, ‘Barnum at the Wake’, in JJQ 27.4 (1990), pp.759-766.
  • ——, ‘By Jingo: Genetic Criticism of Finnegans Wake’, in JSA 1994 (1994), pp.104-27.
  • ——, Latin and Roman Culture in Joyce , Gainesville: UP of Florida 1997.
  • ——, Joyce and Hagiography: Saints Above! , Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2000.
  • ——, ‘The Wake’s Hairy Anchorite. St humphrey/onuphrius. A Collideorscape of Joyce. Festschrift For Fritz Senn. Ed. Ruth Frehner & Ursula Zeller. Dublin: lilliput 1998: 294-305.
  • ——, ‘Sheeps, Bones, and Nettles. St. Kevin’s Childhood Miracles.’, in Writing its own wrunes for ever. Essais de génétique joycienne. Ed. Du Lérot. Tusson 1998: 151-62.
  • ——, ‘James Joyce and the Eastern Orthodox Church’ Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Vol.17 1999: 107-124.
  • ——, ‘’Lowman Catolick’: Irish Roman Catholic Lore in James Joyce’s Fiction’ Distinguished Lecture Series 1992-1993 (Boston: University of Massachusetts 1992).
  • Harriet Shaw Weaver - First typescripts of Finnegans Wake, James Joyce Broadsheet, number 29, June 1989
  • Norman Silverstein, ‘Deconstructing the Rabelaisian Element of Finnegans Wake’, in JJQ 11.4 (1974), pp.414-19.
  • Sam Slote, ‘Wilde Thing: Concerning the Eccentricities of a Figure of Decadence in Finnegans Wake’, eds., David Hayman and Sam Slote, Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995). 101-122.
  • ——, ‘Swerving Shores, Bendings Abeyed.’, in Papers on Joyce 2 (1996), pp.117-124.
  • ——, ‘“Did god be come” : the definitive exgenesis of HCE’, eds., Daniel Ferrer & Claude Jacquet, Writing its own wrunes for ever (Tusson: Du Lérot 1998), pp.103-18.
  • ——, ’Every splurge on the vellum’: the silence in progress of Dante, Mallarmé and Joyce. University of Wisconsin-Madison 1997.
  • ——, ‘Imposture Book Through The Ages’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.97-114.
  • ——, ‘The Prolific and the Devouring in £The Ondt and the Gracehoper$’, in Joyce Studies Annual 2000 (2000), pp.49-65.
  • ——, ‘Reading Finnegans Wake Genetically’, in TEXT 13 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000), pp.203-20.
  • Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, ‘Genitricksling Joyce: An Introduction’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.3-12.
  • Ward Swinson, ‘Macpherson in Finnegans Wake’, in AWN IX.5 (1972), pp.89-95.
  • Andrew Treip, ed. ‘Finnegans Wake’: ’ teems of times’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994).
  • Andrew Treip, ‘Recycled Historians: Michelet on Vico in VI.B.12’, in AFWC 4.4 (1989), pp.61-72.
  • ——, ‘’As per periodicity’: Vico, Freud and the Serial Awakening of Book III Chapter 4’, ed., Andrew Treip, ‘Finnegans Wake’: ’ teems of times’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994). 21-40.
  • ——, ‘Histories of Sexuality: Vico and Roman Marriage Law in Finnegans Wake’, ed., Claude Jacquet & Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Scribble’3: Joyce et l’Italie (Paris: Lettres Modernes 1994) 179-199.
  • ——, ‘The Cornell Notes on Vico’, ed., Claude Jacquet & Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Scribble’3: Joyce et l’Italie (Paris: Lettres Modernes 1994) 217-220.
  • ——, ‘Lost Histereve: Vichian Soundings and Reverberations in the Genesis of Finnegans Wake II.4’, in JJQ 32.3-4 (Spring Summer 1995), pp.641-656.
  • ——, ‘The (Ab)use of History. Philosophy of History in the Notebooks and Drafts.’ ed., Daniel Ferrer & Claude Jacquet, Writing its own wrunes for ever (Tusson: Du  Lérot 1998), pp.83-102
  • Dirk Van Hulle, ‘Reveiling the Ouragan of Spaces in Less than a Schoppinhour’, ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.145-158.
  • ——, ‘Beckett - Mauthner - Zimmer - Joyce’, in Joyce Studies Annual 1999 (1999), pp.143-183.
  • ——, ‘The Wake’s Progress: Toward a Genetic Edition’, in TEXT 13 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000), pp.221-32.
  • Wim Van Mierlo, ‘St Martin of Tours: Two Indexes’, in AFWC 7 (1991-1992), pp.29-44.
  • ——, ‘Traffic in Transit: Some Spatio-Temporal Elements in Finnegans Wake’, ed., Andrew Treip, ‘Finnegans Wake’: ‘teems of times’ (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1994). 107-117.
  • ——, ‘The Freudful Couchmare Revisited: Contextualizing Joyce and the New Psychology’, Joyce Studies Annual 8 (Summer 1997), pp.115-53.
  • ——, ‘Indexing the Buffalo Notebooks. Genetic Criticism and the Construction of Evidence.’ ed., Daniel Ferrer & Claude Jacquet, Writing its own wrunes for ever (Tusson: Du Lérot 1998), pp.169-91.
  • ——, ‘Finnegans Wake and the Question of History!?’ ed., Sam Slote & Wim Van Mierlo, Genitricksling Joyce: European Joyces Studies 9 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1999), pp.43-64.
  • Thomas Vogler, ‘Wonder Did He Wrote It Himself: Meditations on Editing Finnegans Wake in the ‘Gabler Era,’’ Studies in the Novel XXII.2 (1990), pp.192-215.
  • Stephen B. Weissman, ‘Seudodanto’, in AWN 10.6 (1973), pp.94.
  • Aida Yared., ‘Joyce’s Sources: Sir Richard F. Burton’s Terminal Essay in Finnegans Wake’, in Joyce Studies Annual 2000 (2000), pp.124-66.

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