Works by and about Samuel Taylor Coleridge
in the National Library of Ireland at 1904

[Source: Catalogue of the National Library of Ireland (NLI) - online.]

Biographia Literaria
Literary Remains
The Friend - Essays VIII & XIII (1818)
  • Adolfo Wagner, ed., Opere di Giordano Bruno Nolano, ora per la prima volta raccolte e pubblicate da Adolfo Wagner, 2 vols. (Lipsia [Leipsig]: Weidmann 1830), ill. [port. & reps. of orig. titles], 8°.
  • Francesco Fiorentino & Felice Tocco, eds., Jordani Bruni Nolani opera latine conscripta publicis sumptibus edita, 3 vols. (Neapoli: D. Morano 1879-91), ill.; 23.5cm. [Vol. 1 in 4 parts; Vol. 2 in 3 parts; Vol. 3 in 1 part. Each part with sep. t.p. and pagination. Vol. 1, pts.3-4, Vol. 2, pts. 2-3, and Vol. 3 all bear the imprint: Florentiae, Typis svccessorvm Le Monnier. Vol. 1, pt. 1-2, “Recensebat F. Fiorentino”, pt. 3-4, “Cvrantibvs F. Tocco et H. Vitelli”; Vol. 2 [pt. 1] “Recensebant V. Imbriani et C. M. Tallarigo”; pt. 2-3 and Vol. 3, “Cvrantibvs F. Tocco et H. Vitelli.”.
  • [Paulo Lagarde,] Le opere italiane di Giordano Bruno ristampate da Paolo de Lagarde [Dieterichsche Universitatsbuchhandlung], [2 vols.] (Gottinga [Gottingen]: Lüder Horstmann 1888), 400pp., 8°. [Vol II, 1888, pag. from pp.404-800 [ie., Vol. II of 2], commencing with Spaccio de la bestia trionfante, available at Internet Archive - online; copy in Connecticut U.].
  • The Heroic Enthusiasts / Gli eroici furori: An Ethical Poem, by Giordano Bruno; translated by L. Williams; with an introduction, compiled chiefly from David Levi’s “Giordano Bruno, La religione del pensiero, 2 vols. (London: G. Redway 1887) [Pt. 2 has imprint: London: B. Quaritch 1889), 8°.
See also
  • Raymundi Lullii Opera ea quæ ad adinventam ab ipso artem universalem, scientiarum artiumque omnium brevi compendio, firmaq[ue]: memoria apprehendendarum, locupletissimaq[ue], vel oratione ex tempore pertractandarum, pertinent: ut et in eandem quorundam interpretum [i.e. Giordano Bruno and H[einrich] C[ornelius] Agrippa von Nettesheim ?1486-1535] scripti commentarii, qvæ omnia sequens indicabit pagina, & hoc demum tempore coniunctim emendatiora locupletioraq´[ue] non nihil edita sunt / accessit huic editioni Valerii de Valerijs Patricij aureum in artem Lulli generalem opus; adiuncto indice cum capitum, tùm rerum ac verborum locupleti[]imo. pertractandarum, pertinent: ut et in eandem quorundam interpretum [i.e. Giordano Bruno and H.C. Agrippa] scripti... [Ramon Llull; Raymond Lully] (Argentorati: sumptibus Hæredum Lazari Zetzneri [Lazarus Zetzner] 1617) [preface signed by Zetzner [1-15]; [1] 1109, [41]pp., ill. [3 lvs. of folded pls.; 19 cm./4° [mutilated t.p.; final page of index missing].

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Works about Bruno
  • Domenico Berti, Vita di Giordano Bruno da Nola (Firenze Turino Milano: Presso G. B. Paravia e comp. 1868), 415pp., 8°; contains “Bibliografia delle opere edite ed inedite di Giordano Bruno” (pp.[21]-31); “Processo erettosi dal tribunale dell’inquisizione in Venezia contro Giordano Bruno” (pp.[325]-95). This copy “Ex libris Heinrich freiherr von Haerdtl.” [Available at Internet Archive in Bodleian copy - online].
  • Domenico Berti, Copernico e le vicende del sistema Copernicano in Italia nella seconda metà del secolo XVI e nella prima del XVII con documenti inediti intorno a Giordano Bruno e Galileo Galilei: Discorso letto nella R. Univesità da Roma in occasione della ricorrenza del IV centenario di Nicolo Copernico. (Roma: Paravia [1876]), 255pp., 8°. [Berti ?1820-1897].
  • I[sabella] Frith, Life of Giordano Bruno, the Nolan, revised by Moriz Carrière [English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. XXXI] (London: Trübner 1887), xii, 395pp., ill. [front. port.], 22cm. Incls. Preface [vii-x]; Appendix: “Alphabetical list of authorities” (pp.379-88); Table I: “The existing works of Bruno” (pp.[309]-39); Table II: “The Noroff collection of manuscripts” (pp.[341]-69) .. &c. [Valentin Iremonger Collection.] [Available at Internet Archive - online; see extracts.]
  • J[ames] Lewis McIntyre, Giordano Bruno (London & NY: Macmillan 1903), xvi, 365pp. Contents: “Pt. 1. Life of Brunol Pt. 2: Philosophy of Bruno; Bibliography: p. xiii-xvi, ill. [port.; statue of Bruno by Ettore Ferrari], 8° [Available at Internet Archive - online; see extracts].
  • William Boulting, Giordano Bruno: His Life, Thought, and Martyrdom (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner; NY: E. P. Dutton & Co. [1916]), viii, 315pp., 8°.
  • Giovanni Gentile, Giordano Bruno e il pensiero del rinascimento [Pensiero moderno, 3] (Firenze:llecchi [1920]), ix, 303pp., 8° [Bibl., refs. and index].
  • Dorothea Waley Singer, Giordano Bruno: His Life and Thought, with annotated translation of his work, On the Infinite Universe and Worlds [De l’infinito universo et mondi] (NY: Schuman [1950]), xi, 389pp. Appendices (p. 203-224): Appendices (p.203-24): 1. List of Bruno’s writings; 2. Printers of Bruno; 3. Surviving manuscripts of Bruno’s works; 4. Select Bibliography of Bruno’s philosophy. [Available at Positive Atheism - online.; see extracts.]

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Joyce and Bruno
  • Frances M[otz] Boldereff, Hermes to his Son Thoth: Being Joyce’s use of Giordano Bruno in Finnegans Wake [Classic Non-fiction Library] (Woodward, Pa. 1968), 289pp. [J. Howard Woolmer Joyce Collection 4A 3751].
  • Joseph Craig Voelker, Giordano Bruno on the Character of Molly Bloom (New Haven: s.n.] 1975), iii, 172pp. [thesis; Ann. Arbour, Mich.: University Microfilms].
  • Elliott B. Gose, The Transformation Process in Joyce’s Ulysses (Toronto UP 1980), xix, 228pp. [J. Howard Woolmer Joyce Collection, 5A 607].

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General studies
  • John Owen, The Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance [ 2nd edn.] (NY: S. Sonnenschein & Co.; London: Macmillan 1893), xix, 419pp, xxxcvi, 8°. [treats of “Pomponazzi, Giordano Bruno, Vanini; available at Internet Archive - online; see extracts.]
  • Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Immanuel Kant: A Study and a Comparison with Goethe, Leonardo da Vinci, Bruno, Plato and Descartes, authorised translation from the German by Lord Redesdale, with an introduction by the translator, with eight portraits, 2 vols. (London & NY: John Lane 1914), ills. [ports.] Contents: The “Thing in Itself”; Goethe; Leonardo; Descartes; Bruno; Plato; Kant.
  • Sir John Macdonell, Historical Trials (Lond & NY: John Lane 1927), ill [ports.] Contents: Socrates; The Knights Templars; Jeanne d’Arc; Giordano Bruno; Mary Queen of Scots; Galileo.
  • Eva Gore-Booth, The World’s Pilgrim (London & NY: Longmans, Green & Co. 1927), 3-117pp., ill. [5 pls. [at front. Contents: Buddha and Pythagoras; Francis of Assisi and Brother Giacomina; Giordano Bruno and one unknown.
  • Frances Yates, Collected Essays of Frances Amelia Yates, Vol. 1. (London & Boston: Routledge & K. Paul 1982), xii, 279pp., ill. [32pp. of pls.] 24 cm. [treats of Ramon Llull and Giordano Bruno.]

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