Henry Sheehy Keating [KCB]
Life d.1847 [Sir Henry Sheehy Keating]; br.-in-law of Earl of Meath; issued On the Defence of Ireland including observations on some other subjects connected therewith (1795), though his authorship is contested with Maurice Bagenal Keating (ob. 1835).
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Works On the Defence of Ireland including observations on some other subjects connected therewith (Dublin: P. Byrne 1795), xiv, 98pp., and Do. [rep. edn.] (Dublin: Irish Nat. Publ. Assoc. 1860), xvi. 144pp., 8o.; also printed as Remarks on the defence of Ireland: including observations on some other subjects connected therewith (Belfast: [s.n.] printed in the year 1796), vi, [2],96pp., 8o.
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