Thomas Kelly
Eitne/Eithne: Ceol Drama braisteachach; Romantic Irish Opera founded upon the Irish folk-story Éan an Cheoil Bhinn; libretto by Thomas Kelly; music by Robert Dwyer (Riobárd ODuibhir (Dublin: Cramer,
Wood & Co. NY: Jos. W. Stern & Co. [n.d.] [1910]; all rights reserved; 8/- net.
Chars. The High King of Eireen [sic], Ceart, his eldest son; Art, and Neart, step-brothers to Ceart; The King of Tir na n-Og; Una Nual, Queen of Tir na n-Og; Eithne, dg. Of the King of Tir na n-Og; Duffach, an enemy of Ceart; Feargus, an old courtier; specially composed for the Oireachtas in Dublin 1909; 254pp. [Copy signed by full cast held in Princess Grace Irish Library, donated by Miss Mary Moran; accessed 27 Sept. 1985.]