Coulson Kernahan


1858-1943 [(John) Coulson Kernahan]; author of novels, God and the Ant (1895), the account of a nightmare; also Captain Shannon (1901), in which an anarachist bomber uses Home Rule for own ends. IF


God and the Ant (London: Ward Lock 1895), 60pp., bound with The Silver Christ and The Lemon Tree both by Ouida (London: T. Fisher Unwin 1894); Captain Shannon [2nd edn.] (NY IANA 1901), 296pp.


Booksellers: Eric Stevens Books (Cat. 168; 1992) lists God and the Ant (London: Ward Lock 1895), &c. [1st edn.], 60pp., bound with The Silver Christ and The Lemon Tree [2 short novels by Ouida] (T. Fisher Unwin 1894) [£25]. Eggeling Books (Cat. 44) lists Captain Shannon (NY IANA 1901), reiss., 296pp.

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