T. P. C. Kirkpatrick

1869-1954; MD and bibliographer; author of ‘The Worth Library: Stevens Hospital Dublin’ (1919), and other papers; also The Book of the Rotunda Hospital (1913); Ernest Reginald McClintock Dix 1857-1936 (1937); History of Medical Teaching in TCD and School of Physic in Ireland (1912); History of Dr. Steevens’ Hospital (1924); Goldsmith and TCD: His Connection with Medicine (n.d.).

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‘The Worth Library: Stevens Hospital Dublin’ [ Bibl. Soc. Ireland, I, 3] (1919), 1-12 [see W. B. Stanford, Ireland and the Classical Tradition, IAP 1976; 1984, Chap. 3 & Bibl.]

Reprint: The History of Doctor Steeven’s Hospital, Dublin, 1720-1920 [1924] (UCD Press 2008), 411pp.

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Belfast Public Library holds The Book of the Rotunda Hosp. (1913); Ernest Reginald McClintock Dix 1857-1936 (1937); Goldsmith and TCD, his connection with medicine (n.d.); History of Dr. Steevens’ Hospital (1924); History of Medical Teaching in TCD and School of Physic in Ireland (1912).

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