James Lanigan
?-1812 [Dr. Lanigan]; Roman Catholic bishop of Ossory; biography, W. J. Fitzpatricks life is included in his Irish Wits and Worthies (1873). [ODNB]
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Commentary Don Gifford, Joyce Annotated (p.182), cites an amusing anecdote from Irish Wits and Worthies (1873) [sic], p.336, in which the bishop comes from Ossory with complimentary speech for LL Lord Cornwallis, who had a small eye and a tic, addressing him, Tour Excellency has always kept a steady eye upon the interests of Ireland, having prepared his speech far from sight of the person he was addressing. The period was the immediate sequel to the Union when promises of Emancipation had been given, to be broken like the piecrust with which his excellency feasted the [clerical] deputations.
See also W. J. Fitzpatrick, Irish Wits and Worthies, including Dr. Lanigan, His Life and Times, with Glimpses of Stirring Scenes since 1770 (Dublin: James Duffy 1873).
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