[Col.] Richard Lawrence
Life fl.1643-1682; marshall-general of horse in New Model Army; published pamphlets on ecclesiastical abuses, 1647; came to Ireland with Cromwell, 1651-59; Gov. of Waterford, and commissioner in treaty negotiations with Confederation of Kilkenny, 1652; supported policy of transportation to Connaught; quarrelled with Sir William Petty over survey of forfeited lands; member of council of trade, 1660-80; issued The Interest of Ireland in its Trade and Wealth Stated, 2 parts (1682), giving account of conditions of the period; criticised extravagance of common people in wearing silk, and their habits of drinking, gambling, swearing and debauchery; suggests economic improvements incl. use of hemp and flax. ODNB
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References Marshs Library holds The Interest of Ireland in its Trade and Wealth Stated, 2 parts (Dublin: Jos. Ray, for Jo. North &c., 1682), 8o [Wing L680B]
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