T. E. Lawrence
Life 1888-1935 [Thomas Edward]; Lawrence of Arabia, b. Tremadoc, N. Wales, son of Thomas Robert Chapman, an Anglo-Irish landlord who assumed the name Lawrence; ed. Oxford High School and Jesus College; Arab Bureau of Military Intelligence in Egypt; led Arab followers in successful actions against Turks through Arab and on to meet Allenby in Syria, but could not maintain his undertaking that an Arab kingdom would be established; wrote account of his part in the Arab Revolt as Seven Pillars of Wisdom; adopted name of Shaw and joined the Royal Flying Corp as a non-commissioned officer; was asked to join the Irish Academy of Letters and Medals by Yeats and Shaw as an associate member; there is a portrait in oil by Herbert Gurschner in NGI.
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H. Montgomery Hyde, Solitary in the Ranks [Lawrence of Arabia, Soldier and Airman] (Constable 1977).
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