Peter Le Fanu
Life fl.1778; ed. TCD, BA 1769; ordained; brother of Philip Le Fanu; wrote Smock Alley Secrets or The Manager Worried (Smock Alley, 1 Nov. 1778). ODNB GBI [DIW]
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References D. J. ODonoghue, Poets of Ireland (Dublin: Hodges Figgis 1912), gives no bio-dates but identifies him as the holder of a TCD BA of 1769; also Reverend, fashionable preacher and uncle by marriage
of James Sheridan Knowles; MS of the preface in collection of H. Houdini of New York (see La Tourette, p. 349, note 74).
Peter Kavanagh, The Irish Theatre (Tralee: The Kerryman 1946), MS of Smock Alley Secrets or the Manager Worried (Smock Alley 1 Nov 1780), unprinted, in Houdini Collection,
NY; notes other private pieces are reported and a life in [Bakers] Biographia Dramatica.
William Smith Clark, The Early Irish Stage: The Beginnings to 1720 (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1955; Connecticut 1973), contains ref.
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