A. H. Leahy
Life 1857-?; fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge; The Courtship of Ferb, A Romance of the Cuchulain Cycle (1902); Ancient Heroic Romances of Ireland, 2 vols. (1906), the five lesser tains; apparently translated from the German of Windisch into English, following prose with prose and poetry with poetry[IF]; reviewed by J. M. Synge, who thought it failed to capture failed to capture the linguistic quality of the originals. IF.
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Works The Courtship of Ferb, An Old Romance in the Book of Leinster, trans. A. H. Leahy (London: David Nutt 1902), 101pp., ill., Caroline Watts [Whelan Cat. 32]. Also, The Exile of the Sons of Uisneach [trans.], anthologised in Laurence Flanagan, ed., The Darling of My Heart (Gill & Macmillan 1994).
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Commentary A. H. Leahy , Heroic Romances, 2 vols. (David Nutt 1905), 197pp, 161pp.; translated into English prose and [...] verse, with preface, special introductions and notes; vol. 1, translation in prose interspersed with verse; Contents; Courtship of Etain; Mac Dathos Boar; Sickbed of Cuchulain; Exile of Sons of Usnach; Combat at the Ford; special not on Combat at the Ford. Vol. 2, prose trans. with verse translation facing; Contents, under the general heading, Preludes to the Raid of Cualgne, Tain Bo Fraich; Dartaids Cattle; Cettle of Regamon; Cattle of Flidais; Apparition of the Great Queen to Cuchulain; Appendix, Irish text and literal translation of part of The Courtship of Etain. NOTE, End paper [front] gives notice of Courtship of Ferb, A Romance of the Cuchulain Cycle, trans. by AH Leahy, Late Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge; with preface, notes, literal translation; ill. Caroline Watts; 16mo. (Nutt 1902), xxii+101pp.; review notices quoted from Irish Independent, etc., metrical portions; Irish Saga Library.
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References Belfast Central Public Library holds Courtship of Ferb (1902); Heroic Romances, 2 vols. (1906).
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