Robert Lundy
Life fl.1688-89; career soldier, first serving James II; critanded Williamite garrison, becoming Military Governor of Derry, Feb. 1689; proposed to
surrender to the army of James besieging the town, April 1689; deposed by Rev. George Walker and others; escaped to Scotland in disguise; briefly held in Tower of London, but released; ultimate fate unknown; burned in effigy in Londonderry every anniversary of the siege; Lundys Downfall, billed as a one-man comedy about the Siege of Derry, as performed at the Playhouse, Derry, in Aug. 2004. ODNB DUB
T. C. Croker, Historical Songs of Ireland (1841) remarks that Lundy was from the first a decided partisan to James, owing, it is asserted, to his being under several obligations to the Duke of Berwick (p.31, n.; citing - Life of the Duke of Berwick (1738, p.36.)
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