Henry Luttrell
Life 1766-1851; b. Dublin; an Irish Parliament MP, he later moved to London, and wrote for the Times in 1826; poems in The Keepsake (1829); Lines Written at Ampthill Park (Lon. 1819); anthold in Keepsake for 1829; well-known in London society and contemp. of Wellington, known as a wit; d. Brompton Sq.; often cited in poetry memoirs of early Victorian period, and cited as forgotten poet by Austin Dobson in St. James Magazine (Vol. 43, p.43); he is mentioned by in Letters of Junius; d. Brompton Square, London. ODNB PI TAY RAF FDA
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References Dictionary of National Biography: ?1765-1851; wit and society poet; natural son of Earl of Carhampton [Henry Lawes Luttrell, 1743-1821, commander of the forces in Ireland, 1796-97, ODNB]; MP for Clonmines, co. Wexford, 1798; introduced to London society by Duchess of Devonshire; wrote Advice to Julia, a Letter in Rhyme (1820, revised 1822), and Crockford House (1827). a satire on high play [gambling]. Famous conversationalist and diner-out.
D. J. ODonoghue, Poets of Ireland (Dublin: Hodges Figgis 1912), gives a page-index of references to Luttrell in Moores Dairy, about 90 in all.
Patrick Rafroidi, Irish Literature in English: The Romantic Period, 1789-1850 (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1980), Vol. 2: ... friendly with the glories of the day, Campbell, Macaulay, Moore (who speaks of him in his diary). Cites two commentaries, A. Dobson, A Forgotten Poet of Society, St. Jamess Magazine XXXIII (1878); A. Crosse, An Old Society Wit, Temple Bar, CIV (1895).
Seamus Deane, gen. ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing (Derry: Field Day 1991), Vol. 1: natural son of Lord Carhampton, MP for Clomines, Co. Wexford, 1798; Irish govt. pension; managed fathers estates in West Indies, returned London, close fr. of Samuel Rogers and mbrs. of Holland House circle; renowened wit; d. London. [Bibl. as in Patrick Rafroidi, Irish Literature in English: The Romantic Period, Colin Smythe 1980]
Geoffrey Taylor, ed., Irish Poets of the 19th Century (1951): member of Irish Parliament but retired to London after the Union.
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