E. M. Lynch
Life fl.1893 [Edward Melville Lynch]; author of A Parish Providence: A Country Tale (1894), a novel set in the Tyrol and concerning successful rural economy. IF
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Works The Boy-God, Troublesome and Vengeful [... &c.] (London: T. F. Unwin 1893), 176pp., ill., 12o.; A Parish Providence: A Country Tale, with Introduction by Sir Charles Gavan Duffy (Dublin: Sealy Bryers & Walker; London: T. Fisher Unwin MDCCCXCIV [1894]), 154pp. [with New Irish Library catalogue, 7pp.]; Kilboylan Bank, or Every Man his own Banker (Kegan Paul 1896), 240pp.
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References Stephen Brown, Ireland in Fiction [Pt. I] (Dublin: Maunsel 1919), cites Kilboylan Bank, or Every Man his own Banker (Kegan Paul 1896), 240. [Fr. OCallaghan back form Itlay with news of Raffeisen Banking System tries similar in Kilboylan; difficulties and final success; local types cleverly hit off; primarily economics lesson; refers to author as Miss Lynch [sic], who ;also wrote for Gavan Duffys New Irish Library; and attributes to her also A Parish Providence (n.d.).
British Library attributes titles to Edward Melville Lynch and holds A Parish Providence. A country tale . With introduction by Sir C[harles] G[eorge] Duffy (1894), xlvi+144 pp.,; Killboylan Bank; or Every Man his own Banker. Being the account of how Killboylan characters concerned themselves about cooperative credit. 240pp. (London: Kegan Paul & Co. 1896), 8o.; The Boy-God, troublesome and vengeful [... &c.] (London: T. F. Unwin 1893). 176 pp., ill., 12o.
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Notes A Parish Providence: A Country Tale (1894) is set in the Tyrol rather than in Ireland, and describes the successful economy by which the rural poor maintain their decent existence with the help of clerical and medical benefactors, in turn supporting orphans, &c.; hardy, the central character, whose observations are recorded, is an ex-serviceman of the Napoleonic Army; the philantrophic Country Doctor of the narrative is explicitly compared with Horace Plunkett in Duffys introduction. Endpapers also list The Boy God, Troublesome and Vengeful, An Ethical Romance, by E. M. Lynch (T. Fisher Unwin [1893]).
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