Bernard Magennis

1833-1911; b. Ballybay, Co. Monaghan; national schoolteacher, contrib. verses to Dundalk Democrat and Northern Whig; spent time in NY and Lancashire; temperance advocate; ed. in Dublin The Social Mirror and Temperance Advocate; books include Lamh Dearg or the Red Hand (Dublin 1887); Anti-humbug, or Mansion House Banquests midst Ireland’s Poverty (Manchester 1890); The Catapult: A Satire (Dublin 1897); other members of the Magennis family, esp. Peter Magennis, well-known poets in south-west Ulster. APPL

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Brian Walker, ed., The Face of Ulster [in Faces of Ireland Series] (Belfast: Appletree 1991) selects “The Boys of Our Day” [‘We live in an age of great progress ‘tis clear ..’], from Lamh Dearg or the Red Hand (Dublin 1887).

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